14th European Guide Conference


Europe Committee WAGGGS is happy to join with our hosts for the next European Conferences, Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbände and Ring deutscher Pfadfindervebände, to invite you most sincerely to join us for the 14th European Guide Conference and the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference.

The Conference start on Friday, 16 August 2013 and close on Tuesday, 20 August 2013, with departures envisaged for Wednesday, 21 August 2013.

The venue for the Conferences is andel’s Hotel, Berlin and our hosts have already prepared initial information for you and your delegation.

Berlin is a lively world city which has undergone the most remarkable transformation over recent years. It is truly wonderful that our friends in Germany are ready to host our European Conferences and to do so with style and energy.

The theme of the Conference is “Be Prepared, Be There, Be Berlin”

More information will be provided in due course, but we wanted you to have these dates as soon as possible so that you can begin your preparations in good time.

Letter from Lara Tonna – Chair, Europe Committee WAGGGS (English, French)