WAGGGS on the move


In line with our commitments at Conference last year, the Europe Region WAGGGS  reviewed its cost base and made the decision to move out of its office at Avenue de Porte de Hal to a new serviced office in Rue de l’Industrie.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our former landlords the Scouts et Guides Pluralistes de Belgique (SGP)

The new office will allow the ERW to make significant savings in budget and staff time expenditure and is a hub principally for youth organisations.   The  offices, commonly known as Mundo-J, are managed by the Ethical Property Company  with a range of services including cleaning, IT, telephones, security, reception, meeting room access etc., which  have previously been the responsibility of WAGGGS staff to manage.  Shortly after WAGGGS moved, the Brussels Office of the European Scout Region also moved to the Mundo-J building therefore  we will continue to be neighbours.