A 360° approach in understanding and exploring Roma cultures within a Scouting context – WOSM ESR Circular 27 2014


Scouting for All – Training on “A 360° approach in understanding and exploring Roma cultures within a Scouting context”.  The European Scout Region (ESR) applied successfully to the Council of Europe – European Youth Foundation for the implementation of its Work plan on Diversity & Inclusion.

In the coming three years and within its overall strategic objective on Diversity & Inclusion, the ESR is to address Social Exclusion as a whole. To better respond to the needs identified by NSOs, the ESR is to implement a series of specific trainings for organisations directly engaged with young people from excluded and vulnerable groups such as Roma, migrants, LGTB, gangs and other. To start the series of trainings, we selected the Roma issue as the most important and relevant matter to a number of organisations, in particular in South Eastern Europe but not only.

The training is built in collaboration with The European Network of Equality Bodies – Equinet, Brussels (for more information, see Equinet). Expertise and experiences will be made available to participants being from the local groups and other actors such as local authorities, civil society organisations and NGOs. This specific training of 4 full days will bring in additional thoughts, methods and practices to broaden the views and perspective of participants in Diversity & Inclusion and in particular to understand and explore Roma cultures and identify the challenges on how to reach them and how to support them to make their voice heard and to play an active role and contribute to the development of their communities.

Find more details about the training in events section.