Category Archives: Calls for Action

European Scouts and Guides engage in refugee support activities: let’s tell their stories!


When the Coordinating Group of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM met the other weekend, the current situation of refugees and the manifold support actions by Scouts and Guides as members of their local communities was one of the issues discussed. The Coordinating Group is very conscious of the human tragedy unveiling. While we share and tell the stories of the great work being undertaken by Guiding and Scouting, we should be coordinated and compassionate so as to not exploit those suffering. Long-term community work will be very important to empower people.

It was agreed that a sort of “clearing house” on, the website jointly managed by the two Regions, would be a useful tool to featuring examples of what Scouts and Guides contribute to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe. Associations already engaged in such activities would have a larger audience for their projects and featured projects might inspire other associations to start their own activity.

This communication platform is now available and we invite all Scout and Guide Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM to share their stories, images and resource kits for the benefit of the two Movements.

Sharing of relevant news (in text and image) and resources
Anyone visiting the joint website will be able to click on a new, prominently placed banner see all relevant content on one single page

Content Management
A simple form has been created to facilitate the editorial managment of proposed stories. Following our regular practice, there will normally be no publication of a story without prior agreement from the concerned association.

We are looking forward to receiving and subsequently sharing widely many stories featuring examples of what Scouts and Guides contribute to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe!

Read the relevant Joint Ciruclar issued by the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM in English and French!

REGISTER NOW for The Academy 2015!


The Academy 2015 is a unique Scout & Guide event designed to enable participants to get high quality training and networking opportunities around core priorities of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM. The event is open to everyone holding a position at national level in Member Organisations or Compmonent Associations of WAGGGS or in National Scout Organisations and Assocations of WOSM, ranging from members of particular working groups up to Chief Commmissioners.

Call for organisations wishing to host the Academy 2016


The Academy is a joint event of WOSM and WAGGGS working in partnership at European level, with key participation of volunteers and staff from both the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region.

Interested associations, NSOs or MOs, are requested to indicate their interest by submitting a short paper which addresses the points below.

The proposal on the successful candidature will be made by the Coordinating Group of the WAGGGS/WOSM Regional Committees, and agreed by the two committees in time to be announced at the Academy 2015 which will be held in Porto, Portugal.

The deadline for applications is Friday 4 October 2015, by mid-day, 12noon, CET. Applications should be submitted to and

Download here the:

Joint Communication – Call for bids to host the Academy 2016 EN final (English) and

Joint Communication – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2016 FR final (French)

Leadership Training Fund


Do you want to create a training in partnership with at least one other European country?
We, the Leadership Training Fund (LTF) team want to help youmake that possible.

The Leadership Training Fund seeks to increase the quantity, quality and access to opportunities for adult leadership skills development in Guiding and Scout associations, through the exchange and development of good practice in Europe.

You can find more information about the Fund here on this website and in the questions & answers section. The LTF-Team is also available via to reply directly should you have question or want to share feedback or proposals.

Regional Circular 06 2015 – Call for Partners for Two Projects in the European Region


The European Scout Region of WOSM is launching a Call for Partners for two Erasmus+ Projects: