Category Archives: Calls for Action

International Commissioners’ Forum 2012

2010.07.17 - Pitvis - 146

The aim of the forum is to provide a venue for International Commissioners to share and gain information on the important roles they play in the life of their associations. Read more in events section or on the event microsite.

UN to develop a System-Wide Action Plan on Youth

UN logo

Your voice is important and will count! 

The UN is developing a System-Wide Action Plan on Youth. This will affect the way the whole UN system will work with/for youth in the coming years. Before developing this Action Plan, the UN is reaching out to youth to seek their inputs. Please take a moment to fill out the survey questionnaire

 The survey is also available in: Arabic /  French  / Spanish  / Russian  /  Chinese

Attention the deadline is 15 August, 2012

Job opportunities at WSB European Regional Office


World Scout Bureau – European Regional Office is looking for a dynamic, experienced individuals to join the regional team. Two job opportunities are Director of External Relations and Funding and Funding and Project Support Manager.

Beyond Boundaries: Leadership in diverse environments – WLDP

Leadership flier April 2012 FINAL

As you know WAGGGS and the Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark are jointly organizing a WLDP event ‘Beyond Boundaries: Leadership in diverse environments’.

The event was initially planned for 18-22 August 2012. However, the efforts to raise the needed funds to hold the event and ensure the appropriate level of quality in the programme content, delivery and working environment have not been as successful as estimated.

Call for Partners to join funding project: North South Network Meeting 2013


Facilitating Participation of NSOs/NSAs in European events –
Call for Partners to join funding project: North South Network Meeting 2013

To facilitate the participation of NSAs or NSOs to Regional Events the Regional Office always tries to get funds from external sources and surely one of the main sources of funding for Scout and Guide activities is the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission.