Category Archives: Calls for Action

Funding opportunities for NSO/NSAs in Europe – WOSM Circular 7/2012


In recent years the European Region has been trying increasingly to promote the use of, as well as the accessibility to, external sources of funding for Scouting in Europe. This is particularly relevant given the difficulties of the economic situation in our Region and worldwide. Therefore, you may find useful this overview of the available funding opportunities, with useful information and direct contacts.

Deadline extended: Ensuring the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering


The European Year of Volunteering 2011 (EYV 2011) is successfully over. However, although the EYV 2011 has ended, our work continues. We must ensure the lasting legacy of the Year – at all levels – and therefore European Committtees of WAGGGS and WOSM circulate this letter with purpose to share with you information about the main outcomes of the Year and inform you of the actions which the Regions are currently undertaking on volunteering, which, as you know, is one of our areas of joint work during this Triennium.

Leaders’ voice for changing tomorrow


Leaders’ voice for changing tomorrow – Euro Arab Young Leaders Workshop

The event will take place during Roverway at Evo Campsite, Finland, from 23-28 July 2012. The aim of the workshop is to provide young leaders from Europe and Arab regions with input and opportunity to share, debate and  learn, about their cultures but mostly about issues affecting them as young people and as scouts. 

EASY POLICY – Europeans in Action to Support Youth Policy


Network Meeting is organised by the Europe Region WAGGGS in cooperation with WOSM – European Region. Network Meeting will take place in Vienna from 15th to 17th  February 2013. The Europe Region WAGGGS is planning on applying for funding to cover the costs of the Network Meeting 2013 under the Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.3 or 3.1.

Speak out, tell your Story! Young spokespersons’ training


The WOSM Europe Region is organising a training for young scouts about external representation and young spokesperson of scouting. The training is in accordance with Regional Scout Plan’s strategic objectives of Youth Empowerment and External Relations. The aim of the meeting is to empower young people to represent scouting to external audiences, being partners or media.