Category Archives: Calls for Action

The International Award is looking for volunteers


The association of the International Award is looking for volunteers with Award experience to form a team which will support the their EMAS (Europe, Mediterranean & Arab States) Regional Office.

Regional Director vacancy in the Europe Region WAGGGS


We are looking for a dynamic and experienced senior manager with practical knowledge of the region and a successful track record of operating services at a regional level.  The ideal candidate will bring knowledge of strategic planning and strategy development to the role to drive service improvement, with a focus on maximising resources and operational performance.

GROWTH through quality (JUMP: Join Useful Management Programmes)


The Growth through Quality (JUMP: Join Useful Management Programmes) event 2012, organised by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the WOSM – European Region and hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark from 26 – 29 April 2012

Help ensure the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering 2011

EYV 2011 logo

Although the European Year of Volunteering came to an end in December 2011, the work to ensure recognition, support and an enabling environment for volunteers and volunteer organizations continues.

During 2011, volunteers and volunteer-involving organizations across Europe worked together to develop the Policy Agenda for Volunteering (PAVE) which presents a number of recommendations for better volunteering policies towards the European Institutions, national governments, employers and trade unions and civil society.

Project proposal – a Safe from Harm network


As you know, at the last World Scout Jamboree in Sweden WOSM launched an e-learning tool on Keeping Scouts Safe from Harm.

In order to promote the use of this tool and the concept of Safe from Harm within European NSOs/NSAs, the European Regional Office is considering applying to a call for proposal launched by the European Commission called “DAPHNE III.”