Category Archives: Calls for Action

Stronger solidarity through better partnerships – Partnerships Event 2012


Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) on behalf of the North South network’s Troïka, in cooperation with the European Scout Bureau, are pleased to invite you to the Partnership event which will be held from 15th March to 18th March 2012 in Paris.

Read more about the Partnerships Event 2012 on the event page

Call for hosting the International Commissioners’ Forum 2012


The European Committees have agreed that there will be an International Commissioners’ Forum in 2012 with a number of objectives including:

- To provide an opportunity for sharing experiences between International Commissioners
- To provide a platform to offer induction training to new International Commissioners
- To provide an opportunity to review progress on work on the regional plan
- To stimulate new ideas, tools and services

In order to achieve these and other objectives, we invite Member Organisations and/or National Scout Organisations to make a bid to host this prestigious event. It is desirable that all MOs and NSOs in a country combine to host the event, but bids will be accepted from any MO and/or NSOs.

5th International Gathering for Scouting and Young People with Special Needs

special needs

URGENT RESPONSES REQUIRED - Arab Regional Office & United Arab Emirates (U.A.E) Scout Association, under a patronage and sponsorship of H.E. Shaik Dr. Sultan Bin Mohammad El- Qasemmi the governor of Sharjah, invite you to participate in the:  “The 5thInternational Gathering for ” Scouting & Young People with Special Needs “, which will be held during the period 4-12/2/2012, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

The event aims to exchange experiences among participants on the role of the scout movement and its high concern with young people with disabilities and special needs and increase the awareness, knowledge & skills of the participants on how to deal with young people with special needs and integrating them into the community.

Please note: Due to a missing email, the invitation to this event was not received in Europe. We now need to act very quickly to enable as many participants to attend who wish to.
Please note that the deadline was 10 December, but it is still possible to arrange participation, if you act immediately. I suspect that 9 January 2012 would be the ultimate deadline.Sponsorship is offered for 1 male Rover Scout, aged 18 to 23 to participate, free of charge, including an economy class flight. Please not all participants must be male.

Sorry for this very tight deadline, and sorry that it has not been possible to arrange translation to French. However, we thought it better to get the information out without delay.

If you have any points of clarification, please feel free to address them to the Arab Office.

Letter from European Office, Invitation from Arab Office and Registration form.

Call for hosting Roverway 2016

Closing ceremony at Roverway 2009

As advised earlier this year, the European Scout Committee and the Europe Committee WAGGGS, have agreed to stage the following edition of RoverWay in 2016 to avoid clashes with other events. They are confident that there is much to be gained for young people, for the Member Organisations and National Scout Organisations, and for the two Regions. We wish to stimulate the provision of opportunities for young people to share their own views and dreams, to discover other people’s ways of life, to build things together, to try new skills and live adventures in a small international community.


With this message, we ask WAGGGS Member Organisations and/or WOSM National Scout Organisations to host RoverWay in 2016.
The attached document outlines the essential information needed for potential hosts. The candidature document should include all information considered relevant for the consideration of the Joint Committee. This may include proposals for: motto, main educational activities and experiences, venue, dates, motivation, etc.


The event is usually scheduled during the second half of July or the first half of August, when most European countries have their school holidays.


The deadline for applications, signed by the International Commissioner(s) and sent, preferably by email, to  AND or by regular post to the

Europe Office WAGGGS, 38 avenue de la Porte de Hal, Box 1, B-1060, Brussels, Belgium AND to the
European Regional Office WOSM, 5 avenue Henri Christiné, Box 327, CH-1211, Geneva 4, Switzerland

The deadline is 1 March 2012

All proposals will be considered and a final decision taken at the Joint Committee Meeting in March 2012.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact: Anne van Nistelrooij, Development Executive, Europe Office WAGGGS at or Radu Stinghe, Director, Youth Programme, World Scout Bureau, European at


Roverway 2016 Call (English, French)

Roverway Guidelines (English, French)

Speak out for girls and young women at the United Nations!


Applications now open for CSW 56

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a functional commission of the United Nations, dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women – and WAGGGS is offering Girl Guides and Girl Scouts everywhere a chance to be a part of it.

CSW is the principal global policy-making body on issues relating to gender inequality. Every year, representatives of Member States gather to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and the advancement of women worldwide. This year the Commission will focus on the role of rural women.

WAGGGS has been bringing youth delegations to the commission since 2007, and champions the important role that girls and young women can, and must, play at the commission. It also provides a space for young women to develop their skills as advocates, leaders and change-makers and to take these skills back home and apply them to their local communities and guiding projects.

“Attending the UN CSW with WAGGGS taught me how my voice can be heard and matters at the global scale. I now understand more fully the importance of WAGGGS as an advocate for girls’ and women’s rights. I look forward to making a change and bring this knowledge back to the Girl Guides in Canada.” Rachel, Canada

You can read more here about the role that the WAGGGS delegates played at the commission in 2011 here.

Applications are now open for WAGGGS members to join the delegation for CSW 56 in 27 February to 9 March 2012. Applications are open to members who are actively engaged in projects within their national associations that empower rural girls and young women. You can download the application form here. Fully completed applications must be returned by 20 December 2011 to