Category Archives: Calls for Action

Gain skills in speaking out to make girls heard – join our webinar!


Each year, from 25 November to 10 December, women’s organizations, advocates and activists around the world join together for the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign”. This campaign links the International Day Against Violence Against Women on 25 November with International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

On 30 November, at 15:00 GMT, we will be showing the documentary “The Hidden Truth” online. Made by a young woman in Zambia, the film tackles the issue of domestic violence and is being used as a tool for social change in local communities in Zambia.
The webinar (online seminar) will give you the opportunity to watch the film and then take part in Q&A session with the filmmaker Penelope. Penelope will talk about how she made the film and why it was so important for her to speak out against domestic violence. There will then be an opportunity to ask her questions and to download our worksheet on making films for change.
After the webinar you can use the information and downloadable worksheet to make your own short film on ending violence. You can send these films to us. We’ll show the best ones on our website and send you a special “Stop the violence” promotional pack including pin badges, wrist bracelets, t-shirts and stickers.
To sign up for the webinar email with your name, email and where you’re from, and we’ll send you information about how to join the session. Download the “16 days to make girls heard” campaign sheet for other ideas on how to take action. Tell us what action you’ll be taking by emailing

WOSM Circular 22/2011 – Survey on the use of external funding by National Scout Associations in Europe


In the recent years the Region has been increasingly trying to promote the use of and the accessibility to external funding for Scouting in Europe. Several efforts have been done to inform NSOs/NSAs about European funding opportunities, such as the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission and the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, and good results have been achieved in terms of support to regional and national events and projects.

In this frame we introduce to you a Survey on the use of external funding by NSAs that has been prepared by the European Regional Office in cooperation with a group of students for the Master in “European projects management” of the University of Cergy-Pontoise.  As part of their curriculum, the students are asked to work on a practical assignment in collaboration with an external organisation and the European Regional Office was requested to identify a specific topic and support them in accomplishing their task. The survey you can find at the link indicated in the circular. It’s in fact the first result of this collaboration and it aims to collect data and analyse the access and use of external funding of NSAs.




WAGGGS Call for Ex-Officio Committee Nominations


Due to the recent resignation of Evgenia Beliakova from her position as a Europe Committee member the Region is now seeking nominations for the vacant position of ex-officio non-voting member of the Committee to fill the vacancy.  More information on the Terms of Reference and the Qualities  of a Regional Committee Member as well as the Nomination form (including clearance form) in English can be found here and in French here

Deadline for applications: 23 November 2011

Elections to the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

As you may be aware, elections to the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe will take place at the next Council of Members of the European Youth Forum in Braga, Portugal 18-19 November 2011.

The Advisory Council on Youth consists of 30 representatives from youth NGOs who provide input and opinions on the activities of the Council of Europe youth sector. Together with government representatives from each of the Council of Europe member states responsible for youth issues, they develop the priorities for the youth sector and make recommendations on future priorities and programmes.

Both Regions have nominated candidates to represent WAGGGS and WOSM in these elections as follows:

  • Alexandru (‘Sandu’) Coica (Asociatia Nationala A Scoutilor Din Moldovo, Moldova) to represent WOSM
  • Ilaria Esposito (Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori ed Esploratrici Italiani, Italy) to represent WAGGGS

Both candidates being presented are experienced in representing Guiding and Scouting externally and have been participating in Council of Europe activities. They are committed to promoting the role of Guiding and Scouting in the development of better youth policies at European level and their election to the Advisory Council will support the external relations and advocacy work of WAGGGS and WOSM in the regions.

Letter of support:


WOSM Circular 21/2011 – Call for Partners to join funding project: Partnerships Event


Call for Partners to join funding project – The Partnerships Event (in the frame of the North South Network) will take place at UNESCO, Paris, France in March 2012. Following on from last year’s successful event in Rome, which was the first North-South meeting organised jointly by the Network and WOSM Europe, this event will look to extend the concept even further. The event is designed for associations that are both in and/or looking at entering into partnerships with other regions (Eurasia, Arab, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Interamerica).