Category Archives: Circulars

NEW RESOURCE – Induction Training for National Boards (Regional Circular 35 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to present the new Induction Training for National Boards. It is part of the Good Governance area of WOSM Services and aims at providing an outline and general idea of this training.

Discover the Induction Training for National Boards in Regional Circular 35 2018 and in the WOSM Library.

PROJECT COMPETITION – Hand in Hand. Stronger together (Regional Circular 34 2018)

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As you know, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) together with its partners in the Time To Be Welcome project is organising the Hand in Hand. Stronger Together event taking place 7 – 10 December 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. Within the scope of the event, the last day (10 December 2018) is dedicated to the dissemination and visibility of the work done in Europe to include refugees and migrant minors and youth in Scouting and other youth organisations. This activity will take place at the European Economic and Social Committee premises with the presence of the European Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen.

As a culmination point of the event, a competition of best projects aiming at welcoming refugees and migrants in Scouting and Youth organisations is organised. All prizes will celebrate actions involving young volunteers and will target displaced young people in general, indifferently of their legal status in Europe (refugees, asylum seekers, migrants…).

Follow the event here!

Check Regional Circular 34 2018 to find out more about this Project Competition!

Go Scout and Guide Abroad Toolkit and Promotional Material (Joint Communication 14 2018)


The 15th European Guide and Scout Conference (Norway, June 2016) set up a working group to improve the EraGuide/EraScout Network. This joint network aims to support the inclusion of Young People and Youth Leaders into local Scout and Guide Groups during their international mobility experience.

For the past few months the Go Scout and Guide Abroad team of the European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS has been working on material to be used by International Teams and participants in mobility programmes. As a starting point in this work, we are pleased to share some of these with you.

The Promotion Pack

=> Please find all relevant details about the new Go Scout and Guide Abroad Toolkit in Joint Communication 14 2018.

CALL TO JOIN 4-month campaign: #MyEuropeMySay – Youth Voice for the Future of Europe (Regional Circular 33 2018)


Under the title #MyEuropeMySay – Youth Voice for the Future of Europe, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WSOM) is inviting all Member Organisations (NSOs/NSAs) to join a 4-month long European campaign to engage and empower young people to be active citizens.

Please check Regional Circular 33 2018 to find out all details of this campaign!

POSTPONED – Fundraisers’ Network Meeting of the European Scout Region (Regional Circular 32 2018)


The European Scout Region regrets to inform you that the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting, originally planned to take place in Braga, Portugal, from 16-19 November 2018, has now been postponed.

The event is now scheduled to happen in Spring 2019. A new Call for Participants will be issued in due course.