Category Archives: Communication

Memorandum of Understanding – Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM


At its most recent meeting, the Joint Committee of the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM approved the text of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enable our relationship to continue to be fruitful for all parties.

Donor Advocacy Survey 2014


One of the biggest challenges facing MOs and NSOs in Europe is access to sufficient funding with the right terms and conditions to deliver and cover the costs of planned Guiding and Scouting activities. Although national governments and international institutions are concerned about the situation of young people in their countries and, particularly their skills development and employability at this time of high unemployment for young people in Europe, MOs and NSOs across the two Regions in Europe continue to face challenges in attracting the quantity and quality of funding they need to deliver life-changing, non-formal education and volunteering opportunities for young people.

Make Gender Equality a Reality!


The Europe Region WAGGGS is very excited and have great pleasure in presenting our latest resources on Gender.  These include the  booklet “Your Chance to Balance the Gender Imbalance” (in English and French) and a website on Gender Equality in Guiding and Scouting associations! (

WAGGGS on the move


In line with our commitments at Conference last year, the Europe Region WAGGGS  reviewed its cost base and made the decision to move out of its office at Avenue de Porte de Hal to a new serviced office in Rue de l’Industrie.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our former landlords the Scouts et Guides Pluralistes de Belgique (SGP)

Donor Advocacy project – Call for Peer Review group members

Youth Fundraisers

The Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region are looking for fundraisers in associations to involve them in a consultancy volunteer role for the Donor Advocacy project.