Category Archives: Communication

3rd Round Table on Information and Communication Technology in Scouting and Guiding


The Round Table on ICT for Scouts and Guides is an initiative of the ICT Network in Scouts and Guides of the European Region of WOSM and Europe Region WAGGGS. This years 3rd Round Table will take place between 6-9 February 2014 in Tampere, Finland.

Seminars and events 2014 /2015 /2016

During the recent joint Committees’ meeting in Brussels, the Committees agreed forthcoming events that the Regions will deliver jointly in 2014 /2015 /2016.   Please find a copy of the list here  – Joint Seminars and events 20141516

14th European Guide Conference – Record of Decisions

Unbelievably, it is two months since the 14th European Guide Conference
and European Guide and Scout Conference!  It was great to see so many of you in Berlin – thank you and our generous hosts for making the event/s so dynamic and inspiring!

WAGGGS Conference detailed programme


For your convenience and as foreseen we are happy to share with you the detailed programme for the 14th European Guide Conference. 

International Commissioners Forum 2012 Report


The IC Forum 2012 took place from 6-9 December 2012, in Athens, under the theme of “Making the Connections.” 107 participants from 41 countries plus 18 Planning Team members and guests took part at this event.