Category Archives: Communication

Growing Scouting in the Buddhist Community in Europe – WOSM Circular 11/2012

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(WSBERO/Geneva) – As part of its efforts to further develop its contacts with external organisations having consultative status with the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and in line with relevant objectives set by the current Regional Scout Plan, the European Scout Committee and the World Buddhist Scout Brotherhood (WBSB) have been working together to prepare an information package, which may be of use to NSOs and NSAs.

Academy 2012 – Embracing Change


The Academy 2012 will be held in Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), between 26 October – 30 October 2012 (Friday – Tuesday).

International Commissioner Induction Pack (IC Pack)

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The Europe Region WAGGGS is very pleased to introduce our newest toolkit on International Education;  namely  the International Commissioner Induction Pack (IC Pack)

Summer is here -so is Roverway! Infoletter #8


The triennial highlight of Guiding and Scouting in Europe is here again. It’s time for Rovers and Rangers from across the continent to gather in Finland for a memorable meeting of cultures. Over 3500 participants from over 40 countries have registered for the event. Hundreds of volunteers have worked hard to deliver you a truly international event with plenty of exciting opportunities. 60 action-packed four-day paths around Finland, combined with the five-day camp at the adventurous Evo campsite in the middle of the forest, provide an excellent platform for an experience of a lifetime…

EASY POLICY – Europeans in Action to Support Youth Policy


Network Meeting is organised by the Europe Region WAGGGS in cooperation with WOSM – European Region. Network Meeting will take place in Vienna from 15th to 17th  February 2013. The Europe Region WAGGGS is planning on applying for funding to cover the costs of the Network Meeting 2013 under the Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.3 or 3.1.