Category Archives: Communication

WAGGGS recognized on “Women deliver 50″ list of projects improving girls’ lives


WAGGGS “Stop the Violence – Speak out for girls’ rights campaign has been chosen as one of the “Women Deliver 50: the most inspiring ideas and solutions delivering for women.”

The International Award is looking for volunteers


The association of the International Award is looking for volunteers with Award experience to form a team which will support the their EMAS (Europe, Mediterranean & Arab States) Regional Office.

Regional Director vacancy in the Europe Region WAGGGS


We are looking for a dynamic and experienced senior manager with practical knowledge of the region and a successful track record of operating services at a regional level.  The ideal candidate will bring knowledge of strategic planning and strategy development to the role to drive service improvement, with a focus on maximising resources and operational performance.

Discover WAGGGS World Centres


There have been 460 million visitors to all the World Centres since the first centre, Our Chalet, opened in 1932. That’s 460 million lives changed.  Book your World Centre visit and help us look forward to the next 100 years of changing lives!

Infoletter # 6 Roverway 2012 is happening – this year!


Happy New Year to everyone from Roverway 2012 project organization! The Roverway 2012 project organization ant hill has been working hard during the final dates of the registration.

Heads of Contingents from all over the world have been filling the hundreds and yet hundreds of registration forms, and the team is getting ready to form the tribes in order to get started with the preparatory activities, or “Be prepared” as we call them. Did you forget to register? Have you been receiving contacts from people who would still like to join, but didn’t do it yet? No worries, just read further and find out, how you can still join the one and only Rover and Ranger event of 2012!