Category Archives: Communication

The Europe Region WAGGGS seeks a Financial Advisor

Presentation clip

The Europe Committee WAGGGS would like to appoint a new ex-officio committee member as Financial Advisor to focus on the finance area of work on their behalf.

The Financial Advisor is a non-voting member of the Europe Committee, and will assist the Chairman and advise the Europe Committee on any aspect of the financial management of the Region. She will ensure that the Region manages its finances prudently, and can report to the Region’s Member Organisations on the effective use of the voluntary contributions in particular. The Committee retains responsibility for the management of the finances of the Region, with the support of the Treasurer if needed

Applications are invited from all interested members of the Europe Region who have an accountancy qualification, or proven significant financial employment experience, and be able to express themselves clearly in written and spoken English and/or French.

Deadline for applications is 16 september 2011

Download further information and the job description.
More information and job description also available in French


List of proposed seminars and events 2012


In order to help Member Organisations and National Scout Associations plan their attendance in the seminars and events organised by the Region we have drawn up a list that we hope will be of help.  More information will be posted as soon as it is available.

List of proposed events 2012

Joint Circular – Future Editions of Roverway


Letter concerning future editions of Roverway, the major event for Rovers and Rangers of the European Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region (English/French).

New Europak website


It is now two and a half years since we presented the new Europak website with the aim to improve this key communication tool between the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region and our MOs/NSOs. With this experience and following new trends in today’s information technology as well as some suggestions received at workshops during the 13th European Scout Conference we have started some reorganisation of the website and the way information is presented and distributed to subscribers of <Europak Online>.

Euro-express No 5


The 5th edition of euro-express, a Europe Region WAGGGS communication bringing you information and updates on external relations issues relevant to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, and information about actions in which you can get involved in at national level.

Euro-express No 5