Category Archives: Communication

Europe Region NLDP Flagship Train the trainer event– less than one month to go!


On the 27 June 31 participants from 26 different associations in 22 different countries around Europe will meet in Brussels to participate at the leadership development ‘Train the Trainer’ NLDP (National Leadership Development Programme) event organized by the Europe Region.

This event responds to the 34th World Conference decision, to deliver elements of the WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme (WLDP) at a National level to the member organisations.

Regional Circular 08 2015 – Update: Committee Contact System 2013-2016

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Following recent changes in the composition of the European Scout Committee and the staffing of the European Scout Office, the Committee Contact System of the European Scout Region of WOSM has been reviewed and updated.

Please refer to Regional Circulars 19 2013 and 04 2014 for further details about the Committee Contact System.

Regional Circular 07 2015 – Information & Invitation: Fundraisers Network Meeting 2015

The second Fundraisers Network Meeting of the European Scout Region of WOSM is organised to offer NSOs and NSAs an opportunity to share best practices, challenges and needs in the field of fundraising, with a particular focus on Corporate Social Responsibility.

The event will takt place at the Spejdercenter Holmen in Copenhagen (Denmark) from 19 to 21 June 2015.

Leadership Training Fund


Do you want to create a training in partnership with at least one other European country?
We, the Leadership Training Fund (LTF) team want to help youmake that possible.

The Leadership Training Fund seeks to increase the quantity, quality and access to opportunities for adult leadership skills development in Guiding and Scout associations, through the exchange and development of good practice in Europe.

You can find more information about the Fund here on this website and in the questions & answers section. The LTF-Team is also available via to reply directly should you have question or want to share feedback or proposals.

“By the Way” – The Roverway 2016 Newsletter (Issue 2, April 2015)

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Only sixteen months left before the grand opening of Roverway 2016, the main event for the senior age sections of Guide and Scout Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.