Category Archives: Europak

CALL TO JOIN 4-month campaign: #MyEuropeMySay – Youth Voice for the Future of Europe (Regional Circular 33 2018)


Under the title #MyEuropeMySay – Youth Voice for the Future of Europe, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WSOM) is inviting all Member Organisations (NSOs/NSAs) to join a 4-month long European campaign to engage and empower young people to be active citizens.

Please check Regional Circular 33 2018 to find out all details of this campaign!

POSTPONED – Fundraisers’ Network Meeting of the European Scout Region (Regional Circular 32 2018)


The European Scout Region regrets to inform you that the Fundraisers’ Network Meeting, originally planned to take place in Braga, Portugal, from 16-19 November 2018, has now been postponed.

The event is now scheduled to happen in Spring 2019. A new Call for Participants will be issued in due course.

INVITATION to attend the Ecumenical Peace Light Ceremony 2018 (Regional Information)


The Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs (PPÖ), the National Scout Organisation in Austria, is pleased to invite Scouts and Guides from across the world to help share the Peace Light 2018 and to attend the official Ecumenical Ceremony.

This year, the Peace Light Child will share the Peace Light with us at Neuer Dom in Linz, Upper Austria, on 15 December 2018.

Please find PPÖ’s announcement in our Regional Information.




Message from the Regional Director (Regional Circular 31 2018)

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Following the recent circular from the Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), David McKee, Regional Director of the European Scout Region, is pleased to send you this short message in consultation with the Secretary General to assure you that he has been fully aware of the process which he had requested.

=> Please find the Regional Director’s message in Regional Circular 31 2018

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS – CubNet & ScoutNet 2018 (Regional Circular 30 2018)

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The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is happy to invite you to the CubNet and ScoutNet Network Meetings, which will be held in Luxembourg from 29 November to 2 December 2018.

This event is a great opportunity for all National Commissioners on Cubs and Scouts age sections (or their delegates, members of their respective national teams) to meet and exchange knowledge, experiences, add contacts and build bridges for future international collaborations.

=> Please find more details about CubNet & ScoutNet 2018, including a link to the online registration form, in Regional Circular 30 2018