Category Archives: Europak

ADVANCE NOTIFICATION – Conference “Hand in Hand. Stronger Together” (Regional Circular 19 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and its partners in the Time to be Welcome project are inviting interested members of National Scout Organisations (NSO) to a four-day event in Bussels, Belgium, from 7-10 December 2018.

Under the title “Hand in Hand. Stronger together”, the event will address questions and share best practices related to how associations can reach out and include refugees and migrants in Scouting.

Please refer to Regional Circular 19 2018 for the event’s Advance Notification. More detailed information will become available in September 2018.

From Roverway 2018 to Roverway 2024 (Joint Communication 10 2018)


Roverway 2018 is just about to start and will be officially opened on 23 July 2018 by His Excellency Frans Timmermans, first Vice-President of the European Commission. Many of us will be attending some of Roverway, some as part of the open invitation to an IC Meeting during Roverway 2018 from the International Commissioners of Scouting Nederland.

On this occasion, the European Committees of WAGGGS and WOSM are pleased to announce that the next Roverway will be held in 2024.

Find out more in Joint Communication 10 2018, which is a letter addressed to the member organisations by the chairpersons of the two European Committees:

Joint Communication 10 2018 – Form Roverway 2018 to Roverway 2024 in English
Joint Communication 10 2018 – Form Roverway 2018 to Roverway 2024 in French
Annex (in English only): Invitation to an IC Meeting held during Roverway 2018

Strengthening our Organisation – An Update (Regional Circular 18 2018)


Following Regional Circular 15 2018 which introduced the new WOSM Services, the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share further updates from the Strengthening Our Organisation Area of Operation.

Please check Regional Circular 18 2018 to find out more about upcoming activities:

  • 2nd GSAT Self-Assessment Training – Vienna – 28-30 September 2018 (see also the event Facebook page)
  • Launching of the Induction Training for National Boards
  • Collection and sharing of Training material and e-learning resources (eventually available on the WOSM Services)
  • Reinforcing the European Growth Network (find out more and join its Facebook group)

Do not hesitate contacting Jordan Bajraktarov, Director for Organisational Development at the Europe Support Centre, should you have any questions or seek additional information about this area of work.

CALL FOR ERASMUS+ PROJECT PARTNERS – Growth Event 2019 (Updated Regional Circular 17 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share important information on the upcoming application for an Erasmus+ project grant, for which your NSO/NSA can be a partner: the 2nd Growth Event of the European Scout Region, which is scheduled to take place in France from 23-26 May 2019. The funding application will be submitted at the national level by the relevant hosting NSO.

The deadline for your expressions of interest and submission of relevant documents is Saturday 1 September 2018.

All relevant information, including a link to the specific mandat which interested potential partners need to complete, is available in the Updated Regional Circular 17 2018.

CALL FOR BIDS TO HOST – the 16th European Scout & Guide Centre Managers’ Conference 2019 (joint Communication 09 2018)

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Since 1989, managers of Guide & Scout Centres across Europe have gathered every two years at the European Guide & Scout Centre Managers’ Conference (ECMC). The 15th conference took place at Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Centre, in Iceland, in October 2017 and brought together around 60 participants, planning team members and experts.

With the present Call for Bids to Host, the network of Centre Managers is inviting any interested National Scout Organisation of WOSM (NSO) or Member Organisation of WAGGGS (MO) or Scout/Guide Centre to consider hosting the 16th Conference in 2019.

Find out more about the requirements potential hosts need to fulfil in our Joint Communication 09 2018. Please note that the deadline for submission of your bidding documentation is 1 October 2018.