Category Archives: Europak

Chief Executives Meeting 2017 Confirmed


The European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS are pleased to inform that the Chief Executives Meeting 2017 is now confirmed, with a sufficient number of executives from member organisations of both Regions having expressed interest. Additional applications are still welcome to allow an even more fruitful exchange during the event.

As planned, the event will therefore take place in Bratislava (SK) from 2 to 4 May 2017. Please find all relevant information in the events section of this website, where the application form remains accessible, too.

Regional Circular 5 2017 – [INVITATION] Diversity & Inclusion Leaders Training April 2017

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Regional Circular 5 2017 presents you the invitation to participate in the European Scout Region’s Diversity & Inclusion Leaders Training “Scouting for Peace”, which is scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain from 8 to 11 April 2017.

The training will be run as a training of trainers event, as the participants will act as multipliers in their own organisations once they will have returned to their respecitive National Scout Associations.

The aim is to train the Scout leaders on how to adapt and introduce and use Peace Education toolkits for Cubs (children), Rovers (teenagers) and Adults within their assocation’s educational curricula so that the young people can develop themselves in a holistic way as tolerant and respectful individuals.

Application Deadline in 20 March 2017.

Find out more in the event invitation: 

Reminder of the dead line for the call for partners for Roverway 2018


In 2018, from 23 July to 2 August the biggest WAGGGS event is taking place in the Netherlands. Roverway 2018 is organized in partnership with WOSM and Scouting Netherlands, to offer a relevant international activity to Rovers and Rangers 16 to 22. To contribute to the success of the event and at the same time seize the opportunity to provide an exciting and meaningful learning experience to young adult leaders, WAGGGS is planning several activities, and looking for partners MOs for an E+ grant.  Would you like to offer your leaders the opportunity to learn in an international setting at Roverway 2018? If the answer is YES – please find the application in the following link

Afin de contribuer au succès du Roverway 2018 et en même temps saisir l’opportunité de fournir une expérience d’apprentissage significative aux jeunes/es animateurs/animatrices adultes, l’AMGE planifie plusieurs activités. et cherche des partenaires pour une demande de subvention E+ . Voulez-vous offrir l’opportunité aux animateurs/animatrices d’apprendre dans une contexte international incluant Roverway 2018 ? Si la réponse est OUI – lisez la pièce jointe !

Vous pouvez trouver plus détails dans le document au liens suivant:

Joint Open Call: EraScout & EraGuide Project Group

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The Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM are pleased to share this Joint Open Call. to recruit members of a future EraScout & EraGuide Project Group.

Pursuant to Joint Recommendation 15EGSC/5 of the recent 15th European Guide and Scout Conference, the European Scout Committee and the Europe Committee WAGGGS, plan to set up a project working group to develop recommendations for the two Committees on how the joint work of the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS can support the work of the European EraGuide & EraScout Network.

Find more details in Joint Communication 4 2017:

– Joint Open Call: EraScout & EraGuide Project Group (English, Français)

Application deadline: 4 March 2017

WAGGGS and WOSM Europe Invite to next Chief Executives Meeting

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We are pleased to provide initial information on the 2017 edition of the Chief Executives Meeting of Scout and Guide Associations in the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS (or equivalent positions).

We are delighted to confirm that the meeting will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from 2 to 4 May 2017.