Category Archives: Europak

22nd European Scout Conference – Conference Circulars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6


During the past two months, a series of Conference Circulars related to the upcoming 22nd European Scout Conference (Melsomvik, Norway, 17-21 June 2016) have been circulated to NSOs and NSAs and since been published on the Conference website. Please monitor that website closely for further information as it becomes available.

Please find an overview of the documents so far circulated below:

Regional Circular 4 2016 – Draft Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019: NSO & NSA Consultation


During the IC Forum a few weeks ago the European Scout Committee encouraged all NSOs and NSAs to actively participate in the preparation of the proposal for the next Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019. Regional Circular 4 2016 provides you with this document. Please send your feedback to the Regional Director ( on or before 17.00 on 10 March 2016.

– Draft Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019: NSO & NSA Consultation: Cover Letter (English, French)
– Draft Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019: NSO & NSA Consultation: Document (English, French)

Regional Circular 3 2016 – Regional Scout Plan 2013-2016: Situation Assessment November 2015

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At its meeting in November 2015, the European Scout Committee of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) reviewed basic summary reports received from the Regional Priority Project and Core Groups. The resulting update on work achieved in relation to the objectives set in the current Regional Scout Plan is available in Regional Circular 3 2016 (English-French):

  • Regional Scout Plan – Situation Assessment November 2015 (English)
  • Youth Empowerment Project Priority Report (English)
  • Diversity and Inclusion Project Priority Report (English)
  • Educational Methods Core Group Report (English)
  • Organisational Development Core Group (English)
  • External Relations and Funding Core Group (English)

Call for WAGGGS workshop facilitators for Roverway 2016


WAGGGS is  looking for leaders with experience in the Rovers and Ranger age group at local, regional, national or international level.

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a large-scale European event, Roverway 2016,  for Rovers and Rangers organised by the WAGGGS Europe Region in partnership with the European Scout Region, and hosted in 2016 by the French Member Organization.

Please share the call to ensure all interested and qualified candidates have the opportunity to apply for this exciting role!

You can download the information sheet in English andFrench which includes description of the role and profile of the required facilitators Roverway 2016.

To apply we kindly ask:

  • The candidate to complete the online application form by 14 February 2016
  • The candidate’s International Commissioner to confirm her/his approval of the application by sending a quick email to  by 14 February 2016. WAGGGS will not be able to consider any application unless we have received the IC’s approval.
  • The candidates and their International Commissioner will be informed of the results of the selection by the 29th of February.

If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact Manuela Capraro

Suddenly, the people were not humans anymore!

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (41): a very personal story from a Belgian Scout who sept a weekend with his friends at the Grande-Synthe Refugee Camp near Dunkirk (FR)

Together with a group of twelve other Scouts from FOS Open Scouting (one of the National Scout Associations in Belgium and member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement) Annemie, Klaas and Luc had decided to spend a weekend in northern France and to help out at the Grande-Synthe Refugee Camp outside Dunkirk (FR). Here is the very personal story from Klaas of this memorable weekend.