Category Archives: Europak

Regional Circular 02 2015 – Audited Financial Accounts: European Scout Region 2013-2014


We are pleased to present you the Audited Finacial Accounts of the European Scout Region of WOSM for the fiscal year 10.2013 to 09.2014:

Audit Report (English, French)
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C

International Women’s Day 2015


Sunday 8th March is the International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, and political achievements of women. WAGGGS is joining in this celebration, as the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.  The Europe Region WAGGGS sends greetings to all WAGGGS Members .

IWD Card

Overture Network Meeting


Registrations are now open for the next meeting of the Overture Network that will take place 10-12 April in Edinburgh, Scotland (UK), and will focus on the Socio-cultural aspects of diversity.

This is the last of the meetings that will take place under the framework of the project “European Guides and Scouts: Actively Integrating Diversity”; a project of the Europe Region WAGGGS in collaboration with the Overture Network and supported by the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.

Skills for Life: a holistic solution – a donor advocacy project


What is the impact of Scouting and Guiding on youth development, society and the economy? Is there any link between employability and volunteering in a Scout or Guide association? Several studies on the impact of Scouting and Guiding in Europe show that we have a very positive influence on youth employability, on society and on the economy – that is to say that if we think about education as a form of investment of society and individuals, Scout and Guide associations offer a high return on investment. Nonetheless one of the biggest challenges that Guide and Scout Associations face in Europe is access to sufficient funding and the right funding to cover the costs incurred to deliver life‐changing non‐formal education and volunteering opportunities for young people.

Free Being Me Festival@Sangam


Open to all Europe Region WAGGGS members

The Free Being Me – Festival@Sangam Camp 17-21 August 2015 is open to all, boys and girls 16+, whether you’ve been involved with Free Being Me before or not.