Category Archives: Europak

Donor Advocacy survey – reminder


As you know the Donor Advocacy survey has been up for a couple of months now. A big thank you to all those that have already filled it in bu we have noticed that many MOs and NSOs still have to complete it and for this reason we have decided to keep the online survey open until 14 August 2014 to give all MOs and NSOs the time to finalize it.

Review of meetings held alongside the 40th World Scout Conference – WOSM Cirucular 24 2014


With the World Scout Conference fast approaching, we thought it would be useful to review the additional meetings that are anticipated alongside the Conference, which will be of interest to you.

Memorandum of Understanding – Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM


At its most recent meeting, the Joint Committee of the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM approved the text of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enable our relationship to continue to be fruitful for all parties.

5th RoverNet and 2nd VentureNet Meetings – WOSM Circular 23 2014


The 5th European Network meeting for national Rover commissioners The 2nd European Network meeting for national Venture Scout commissioners will take place on Iceland, 18 – 21 September 2014.

Regional Scout Plan – Situation Assessment June 2014 – WOSM ESR Circular 22 2014


An update on the Regional Scout Plan 2014-2016 including the basic summary reports compiled by the Priority Project Groups and the Core Groups.