Category Archives: Joint

Refugee support activities in the Southwest Finland Guide and Scout district


Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (29): a story from SP-FS- The Guides and Scouts of Finland.

The amount of asylum seekers have increased rapidly in Finland during autumn 2015. Although this situation is global and well-known still the numbers were a surprise and many temporary accommodation facilities were quickly established. In the cooperation with local Red Cross and the Parish union the local Guide and Scout district has organized voluntary-based help at the temporary accommodation facilities. Guides and Scouts have organized trips, taught basics of the Finnish language, helped with the donated clothes etc. Hygienic packs including toothbrush, toothpaste and soap were also collected. The planning of how Guides and Scouts can help and activate immigrants in social integration has started. However, more coordination with local Guide/ Scout groups, municipalities and other organizations is needed.   All Guides and Scouts future actions will continue to be voluntary based and free for all to join in.


Read other stories here


If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!

No matter where you come from we will lend you a hand

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (25): a story from ZSKSS – Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association

In the wake of the refugee crisis the Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association didn’t waste any time in forming a national entity to help the refugees. The entity was formed by Jan Šavly, Andreja Grkman and Nina Maležič. Ana Špes helped with public relations and Luka Novak was the line between the Guide and Scouts and the Civil protection.

The group organized more than 100 volunteers that helped in Brežice, Gornja Radgona, Gruškovje, Lendava, Vrhnika, Logatec, Ljubljana and other locations across the country. They worked together with the Civil protection, aiding them by erecting army tents, beds, tables and flagstones. They are also prepared to help the Red-cross and Caritas if needed. A programme is currently being developed for families and their children that arrive at some of the refugee centers especially to Debeli Rtič where young families would be relocated.

A spokesperson for ZSKSS – Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association reported that <Groups from all over the country participated and we are immensely proud of their effort to the cause. Most of the volunteers are of age and are setting an good example for their younger guide/scout brothers and sisters. We live by the oath we swear before we are handed our neckerchiefs. That is not something we take lightly and if someone needs our help we believe it’s our duty to help no matter where he or she comes from.>

Read the full story here .

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!


Invitation to the International Commissioners Forum 2016


Held every 3 years, the aim of this forum is to provide a venue for International Commissioners to share and gain information on the important roles they play in the life of their associations.
The Forum will take place in Gdansk, Poland from 15-17 January 2016.  There will be 1 extra day (14 January) for all WAGGGS ICs.  

European Scouts and Guides engage in refugee support activities: let’s tell their stories!


When the Coordinating Group of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM met the other weekend, the current situation of refugees and the manifold support actions by Scouts and Guides as members of their local communities was one of the issues discussed. The Coordinating Group is very conscious of the human tragedy unveiling. While we share and tell the stories of the great work being undertaken by Guiding and Scouting, we should be coordinated and compassionate so as to not exploit those suffering. Long-term community work will be very important to empower people.

It was agreed that a sort of “clearing house” on, the website jointly managed by the two Regions, would be a useful tool to featuring examples of what Scouts and Guides contribute to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe. Associations already engaged in such activities would have a larger audience for their projects and featured projects might inspire other associations to start their own activity.

This communication platform is now available and we invite all Scout and Guide Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM to share their stories, images and resource kits for the benefit of the two Movements.

Sharing of relevant news (in text and image) and resources
Anyone visiting the joint website will be able to click on a new, prominently placed banner see all relevant content on one single page

Content Management
A simple form has been created to facilitate the editorial managment of proposed stories. Following our regular practice, there will normally be no publication of a story without prior agreement from the concerned association.

We are looking forward to receiving and subsequently sharing widely many stories featuring examples of what Scouts and Guides contribute to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe!

Read the relevant Joint Ciruclar issued by the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM in English and French!

Reminder: Regional Events in Porto (PT) – October & November 2015

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A series of major Regional Events jointly organised by the WAGGGS Europe Region and the Europe Region of WOSM is taking place in Porto (PT) between the end of October and beginning of November 2015.

If you have not yet registered participants from your association to these events please do so now to make sure they do not miss these important networking, sharing and training opportunities:

You can find further details about the different events by clicking on the event’s title, which will get you to the relevant information available in the events’ section of this website.

Further information is also available through the two regional offices.