Category Archives: Joint

REGISTER NOW for The Academy 2015!


The Academy 2015 is a unique Scout & Guide event designed to enable participants to get high quality training and networking opportunities around core priorities of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM. The event is open to everyone holding a position at national level in Member Organisations or Compmonent Associations of WAGGGS or in National Scout Organisations and Assocations of WOSM, ranging from members of particular working groups up to Chief Commmissioners.

Network Meeting for Chief Executives (or similar)


We are delighted to confirm that this meeting will be held from 1st – 3rd November 2015 in Porto, the same city where the Network Meeting, the Chief Volunteers Meeting and The Academy 2015 are being held.

The invitation is available in English and/or French below.

Joint Communication_ChiefExecutivesEvent_2015_Invitation_EN
Joint Communication_ChiefExecutivesEvent_2015_Invitation_FR

See below he application form (in English only)
Joint Communication_ChiefExecutivesEvent_2015_ApplicationForm_ENonly

Deadline for applications: 30th September 2015

International Commissioners Forum

IC forum 2012

(14th) 15th – 17th January 2016 – Save the date

The International Commissioners’ forum 2016 will take place from the 15th to the 17th of January in , a historical Polish harbor city.

This is a great opportunity for ICs to network and share, to review progress on work resulting from the strategic partnership and to inform planning of future work in partnership, and to stimulate new ideas, tools and services.  For new ICs this event provides  an introduction training.

WAGGGS ICs are to meet one day in advance of the start of the Forum, on the 14th of January 2016.

Further information will be distributed in September, meanwhile save the date in your agenda!

Leadership Training Fund


Do you want to create a training in partnership with at least one other European country?
We, the Leadership Training Fund (LTF) team want to help youmake that possible.

The Leadership Training Fund seeks to increase the quantity, quality and access to opportunities for adult leadership skills development in Guiding and Scout associations, through the exchange and development of good practice in Europe.

You can find more information about the Fund here on this website and in the questions & answers section. The LTF-Team is also available via to reply directly should you have question or want to share feedback or proposals.

“By the Way” – The Roverway 2016 Newsletter (Issue 2, April 2015)

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Only sixteen months left before the grand opening of Roverway 2016, the main event for the senior age sections of Guide and Scout Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.