Category Archives: Joint

Training course for online activists-call for participants. Join the No Hate Speech Movement!


Are you an online activist? Young and concerned with the respect of human rights online? Would you like to take action against racism and discrimination? Then this call is for you! Apply to be a participant in the new training course for online activists and be part of the campaign against hate speech online of the Council of Europe! Join the NO HATE SPEECH MOVEMENT!

Joint Circular “Toolkits on Growth and Quality”


One of the joint areas of work within the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM is Growth through Quality. This is an important aspect of the work of MOs and NSOs and the Regions support MOs and NSOs in different ways, with strategy, materials, motivation and encouragement. 

Call for partners to join funding project: Academy 2013 “Citizenship 3.0 – training solution for youth NGOs”


The European Regional Office of WOSM will submit an application for a Youth in Action funding project: Academy 2013, “Citizenship 3.0 – training solution for youth NGOs”

2nd Information Bulletin – 14th European Guide and Scout Conference


Conference organisation team has been very busy over the past few months and the big event is rapidly taking shape. In this second information bulletin, you will find a great deal of practical information for you to prepare your delegation’s participation.

One more successful International Commissioners’ Forum behind us


The International Commissioners’ Forum 2012 was held in Athens from the 6th to the 9th of December, under the motto “Making the Connections”. It was an honour and a pleasure for the Greek Guiding Association and the Greek Scout Association to act as hosts for the International Commissioners of WOSM European Region and WAGGGS – Europe Region.