Category Archives: Joint

GROWTH through quality (JUMP: Join Useful Management Programmes)


The Growth through Quality (JUMP: Join Useful Management Programmes) event 2012, organised by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the WOSM – European Region and hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark from 26 – 29 April 2012

See, feel, follow – Roverway 2012


Roverway, a joint European WAGGGS and WOSM event for 16-22 year old Rover Scouts and Rangers from all over the world. Roverway 2012 takes place in Finland 20.–28.7.2012.

Help ensure the legacy of the European Year of Volunteering 2011

EYV 2011 logo

Although the European Year of Volunteering came to an end in December 2011, the work to ensure recognition, support and an enabling environment for volunteers and volunteer organizations continues.

During 2011, volunteers and volunteer-involving organizations across Europe worked together to develop the Policy Agenda for Volunteering (PAVE) which presents a number of recommendations for better volunteering policies towards the European Institutions, national governments, employers and trade unions and civil society.

Infoletter # 6 Roverway 2012 is happening – this year!


Happy New Year to everyone from Roverway 2012 project organization! The Roverway 2012 project organization ant hill has been working hard during the final dates of the registration.

Heads of Contingents from all over the world have been filling the hundreds and yet hundreds of registration forms, and the team is getting ready to form the tribes in order to get started with the preparatory activities, or “Be prepared” as we call them. Did you forget to register? Have you been receiving contacts from people who would still like to join, but didn’t do it yet? No worries, just read further and find out, how you can still join the one and only Rover and Ranger event of 2012!

Stronger solidarity through better partnerships – Partnerships Event 2012


Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) on behalf of the North South network’s Troïka, in cooperation with the European Scout Bureau, are pleased to invite you to the Partnership event which will be held from 15th March to 18th March 2012 in Paris.

Read more about the Partnerships Event 2012 on the event page