Category Archives: Joint

Call for hosting the International Commissioners’ Forum 2012


The European Committees have agreed that there will be an International Commissioners’ Forum in 2012 with a number of objectives including:

- To provide an opportunity for sharing experiences between International Commissioners
- To provide a platform to offer induction training to new International Commissioners
- To provide an opportunity to review progress on work on the regional plan
- To stimulate new ideas, tools and services

In order to achieve these and other objectives, we invite Member Organisations and/or National Scout Organisations to make a bid to host this prestigious event. It is desirable that all MOs and NSOs in a country combine to host the event, but bids will be accepted from any MO and/or NSOs.

Call for hosting Roverway 2016

Closing ceremony at Roverway 2009

As advised earlier this year, the European Scout Committee and the Europe Committee WAGGGS, have agreed to stage the following edition of RoverWay in 2016 to avoid clashes with other events. They are confident that there is much to be gained for young people, for the Member Organisations and National Scout Organisations, and for the two Regions. We wish to stimulate the provision of opportunities for young people to share their own views and dreams, to discover other people’s ways of life, to build things together, to try new skills and live adventures in a small international community.


With this message, we ask WAGGGS Member Organisations and/or WOSM National Scout Organisations to host RoverWay in 2016.
The attached document outlines the essential information needed for potential hosts. The candidature document should include all information considered relevant for the consideration of the Joint Committee. This may include proposals for: motto, main educational activities and experiences, venue, dates, motivation, etc.


The event is usually scheduled during the second half of July or the first half of August, when most European countries have their school holidays.


The deadline for applications, signed by the International Commissioner(s) and sent, preferably by email, to  AND or by regular post to the

Europe Office WAGGGS, 38 avenue de la Porte de Hal, Box 1, B-1060, Brussels, Belgium AND to the
European Regional Office WOSM, 5 avenue Henri Christiné, Box 327, CH-1211, Geneva 4, Switzerland

The deadline is 1 March 2012

All proposals will be considered and a final decision taken at the Joint Committee Meeting in March 2012.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact: Anne van Nistelrooij, Development Executive, Europe Office WAGGGS at or Radu Stinghe, Director, Youth Programme, World Scout Bureau, European at


Roverway 2016 Call (English, French)

Roverway Guidelines (English, French)

WAGGGS and WOSM candidates elected to the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Ilaria Esposito and Alexandru (Sandu) Coica representing the Europe Region WAGGGS and WOSM were elected to the Advisory Council of the Council of Europe at the Council of Members of the European Youth Forum in Braga, Portugal last weekend 19-20November 2011.

The Advisory Council enables youth organizations to contribute to the development of the Council of Europe’s youth policy through its system of co-management.  The election of Ilaria and Sandu to the Advisory Council reinforces the commitment of Guiding and Scouting to the development of a strong and mainstreamed youth sector which can support young people to tackle the challenges they are facing during these uncertain times.

We would like to thank all MOs and NSOs who supported the candidatures of Ilaria and Sandu in these elections within your National Youth Council or to other external organizations.  Your support is much appreciated, and if you would like to know more about the work of WAGGGS and WOSM in the area of external relations, please do not hesitate to contact the Committee members responsible:

Christos HatzidiamandisHenrik Soderman and Eri Papadopoulou.

Roverway Infoletter # 5 – How many days to Roverway 2012?


As the registrations have started and the autumn is all over Finland, Roverway 2012 gets closer with full speed. We have representatives in the district meetings all over Finland; the committee is organizing an “event simulation” on their seminar weekend to notice

the points that need special care; we know who will provide the sanitary facilities – just to mention a few details of all the arrangements.

The committee with their managers and teams are preparing with tons of energy and good spirits that will keep us going through the approaching inevitable cold winter time. In just a few months, the Roverway 2012 tribes get to know each other and start preparing for the great adventure! We also had a team at the Scout Academy 2011 in Paris, meeting with the advisory group, promoting and spreading the Roverway spirit!

In this Roverway Infoletter read that – The Prime Minister of Finland Jyrki Katainen will act as Honorary Patron of Roverway 2012, Rover Representatives met online, about Paths – What are they?, situation with registrations, about arriving in Finland



One more successful Academy behind us

Participants of the Academy 2011

Over 140 participants have enjoyed 5 days of interesting workshops and a lot of fun at the 2011 Academy. The event took place in the inspiring city of Paris from October 28 to November 1. Participants from all around Europe had the choice between 22 sessions, all related to the overall theme of the event “Growth through Quality”. Apart from workshops, the hosts from Scouts et Guides de France organized a funny game to discover Paris by using mobile phone technology.

The Academy was extensively followed by Scouts and Guides through social media networks (facebook, twitter, flickr, youtube, foursquare) and the web (

Twitter Wall projected during The Academy 2011

This year’s Academy provided great learning experience, space for exchange of knowledge and best practices, but was also used for a lot of fun during the sessions and after the official programme.

Looking forward to meeting even more participants at 2012 Academy.