Category Archives: Joint

Joint Circular – Future Editions of Roverway


Letter concerning future editions of Roverway, the major event for Rovers and Rangers of the European Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region (English/French).

New Europak website


It is now two and a half years since we presented the new Europak website with the aim to improve this key communication tool between the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region and our MOs/NSOs. With this experience and following new trends in today’s information technology as well as some suggestions received at workshops during the 13th European Scout Conference we have started some reorganisation of the website and the way information is presented and distributed to subscribers of <Europak Online>.

ENTER! Youth Meeting


There are still places available for young people coming from Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine to take part in the Enter! Youth Meeting taking place between 14-18 September 2011 in the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg.

The meeting aims to bring together young people aged 16-20 who have been participating in projects addressing violence, discrimination and/or exclusion  to discuss the social rights of young people and make recommendations to the member states of the Council of Europe on the ways in which youth policies should affect their needs.

More information about the meeting and the online application process can be found here.

Living, Learning, Acting for Human Rights


Training trainers for Human rights Education with young people – If your Association is planning international or national activities or local projects based on human rights, you may be interested in this course being offered by the Council of Europe to develop the competences of trainers or multipliers for human rights education for young people.

The course consists of three parts: an introduction to the course through e-learning between September 2011-February 2012; a residential training seminar between 7-14 February 2012; and a follow-up phase between February and April 2012.  Click here for more information about the course and how to apply.

If you have any questions, or are planning to nominate participants for either of these opportunities, please can you contact the Europe Office at

Pick ‘n Mix


Pick ‘n Mix 2011, a capacity building event focused on the organisational development of Guiding and Scouting organisations in the Europe Regions, was held from 2 to 5 June in Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia).

The event was finally attended by 21 participants from 10 different MOs/NSOs.

The programme of the event offered several training sessions that focussed on the following core areas:
•           People management
•           Project management
•           Strategic planning
•           Funding
•           Image and external environment
•           Structure and governance

The evaluation and feedbacks from participants will feed in an evaluation report, which is going to be available soon in Europak, and are going to contribute to the further development of the event formula and programme.

See Report