Category Archives: Networks

The European Growth Network

The Growth Network is composed by a group of Guides and Scouts representatives interested in Growth and membership development issues. Networkers represent their associations and during the meeting share best practices and counseling on the above mentioned topics.

The North-South Network

The network has its origins from a number of Scout and Guide Associations from the European Region who had been co-operating with countries from sub-Saharan Africa. This interest was reflected in a European Seminar, held in Kigali, Rwanda from which came the Kigali Paper, an agreement on the principles for co-operation between Scout and Guide Associations in the developed and developing world, particularly Africa and Europe. A further seminar in Nairobi expanded the numbers of Associations which saw development as an important aspect of Guiding and Scouting.

The Overture Network

The Overture Network encourages Guide and Scout associations in the Europe to open up the associations for young people originating from ethnic and other minority groups. The participation of children and youths with different backgrounds is based on the principle that Guiding and Scouting are open to all people.

The European Guide & Scout Centre Managers Network

The aim of this Network, is to strengthen and develop co-operation between Scout and Guide Centres around Europe and to help build strong working relationships and contacts between the staff at those Centres.

The Network of Scouts and Guides representatives in National Youth Councils

In order to assist in the implementation of resolution Society 7 adopted at the 8th European Guide and Scout Conference the Europe Region WAGGGS and  WOSM – European Region organized a meeting in 1996 for those Scouts and Guides involved in influencing Youth Policy on behalf of their National Association in a National Youth Council and those representing European Guiding or Scouting in the European Youth Structures.