Category Archives: News

Evaluation of Joint Work 2010-2013


In November 2012, the Joint Committee decided to conduct an evaluation of review achievements, results and learning from joint work in Europe in the current triennium (2010-2013).

RoverNet & VentureNet 2013


Only a few days left to register for RoverNet and VentureNet. Do not miss this opportunity – the special conditions agreed with the hosting venue will not allow much flexibility in the deadlines! The fourth edition of the European Network Meeting for National Rover Commissioners and the first ever European Network Meeting for National Venture Scout Commissioners will be organised in sunny Malta, between the 9th and the 12th of May 2013.

Situation Assessment March 2013 – Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013


Following the established pattern following European Scout Committee meeting, I am pleased to send you the updated Situation Assessment of the Regional Scout Plan – in English and French.

Euro-Arab Meeting 2013


This is the tenth in the series of Euro-Arab meetings which have developed from being institutional meetings between the Arab and European Regions of WOSM more to be a real sharing of experiences, knowledge and projects between representatives of the National Scout Organisations of the two regions. 10th Euro-Arab Meeting will be held in Rome between 26-30 June 2013.

The European Scout Committee (WOSM) returns from successful meetings in Berlin

The Hotel and Conference Centre for the 14th European Scout and Guide Conference (Berlin, 16-21 August 2013)

(WSB/Geneva) – Last weekend, the members of the European Scout committee of WOSM had a regular meeting in Berlin, Germany. Discussing a range of matters concerning the work and governance of the European Region, the Committee focused in particular on preparing upcoming Regional events, such as the 5th European Scout Symposium (Dublin, April 2013) and the 21st European Scout Conference (Berlin, August 2013).