Category Archives: Opportunities

WAGGGS Call for Diversity Task Force Members


The Europe Region WAGGGS is looking to recruit 5 volunteers to be part of the Diversity Task Force which is going to support the work of the region in implementing several projects on diversity in 2016.

A Scouting Nederlands programme for the refugee camp


Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (33): a story from the Scouting Regio ZON.

“A refugee camp with a capacity for 3000 people has been set up near Nijmegen. This site is called Heumensoord and is the responsibility of the Central Organisation for Refugees (COA) in the Netherlands. The COA also cooperates with a local volunteer organisation called STIP.

Heumensoord is in the centre of the Guiding/Scouting District of Region ZON, which has 39 guide/scout groups with approximately 1000 staff and 3300 members. As Heumensoord is located in our region, we wished to offer guide/scout programmes to the children in the camp. We estimated that the camp has about 430 children up to 12 years old and 100-200 between 13 and 18 years old.

Having first contacted the COA and STIP, our team had an initial meeting on October 19 2015, to work out plans for guide/scout programmes. We then contacted the Dutch Scouting Centre to inform them about our plans and request advice about the plans’ completeness, insurance issues, contact with the press, etc.

Everything then proceeded rapidly, with much work being done in only a few days, including (i) a logo and flyer (‘Who will help next Sunday?’), presented on Facebook and received 4000 responses within 2 days; (ii) communication groups for Facebook and WhatsApp; (iii) defining the programme and discussing it with the COA, particularly about the rules and the do’s and don’ts; and (iv) also having Syrian translators involved.

The first Guide/Scout meeting at Heumensoord took place on Sunday October 25th! There were 26 enthusiastic Scout leaders, including 2 who had just returned from the World Jamboree in Japan. We organised many typical and traditional Dutch games. There were reporters from the local newspapers, so we received a lot of publicity. It was all a great success and experience.

We were enthusiastic about this success and therefore decided to continue the programme every Sunday afternoon for the next 6 months. Subsequently, and very quickly, several great things happened: (i) a dedicated program team of 6 Scout leaders attends every week; (ii) there is much support from all members of our district: 20 staff leaders weekly ; (iii) we started fundraising, and a substantial budget was created within one week; and (iv) we made badges for the staff and for promotion (purchase your badge for € 10,- to support our programme at Heumensoord). In short, the programme is running well, with about 40-60 participants every week. We have already had several fantastic Sunday afternoons and are still going strong!

What’s the programme? What do we offer?

We have all types of games with the exception of computer games. All the children, young people and enthusiastic parents are welcome to attend.  At first we started with general games but gradually introducing more guiding/scouting games and structure. For example, we have included guiding/scouting skills such as the use of a compass, wind directions  and of course knots. The youngsters enjoy this very much so we plan to slowly increasing the skill levels each week. We also encourage the children to create their own games.

Our team and our programme will be present every Sunday in December. We think this is essential, since it is not appropriate to tell the refugees “Sorry, there’s no meeting next Sunday, because for us it is holiday time.”.

This is a wonderful programme to do. We are proud to be involved in it, proud to be scouts, and proud of all the volunteers who make themselves available for these children every week.”

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!

Call for WAGGGS Facilitators at Roverway 2016


The Europe Region WAGGGS is looking for experienced facilitators who would design and deliver WAGGGS educational activities for Rovers and Rangers during two days at Roverway.

We are looking for leaders with experience in the Rovers and Ranger age group at local, regional, national or international level.

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a large-scale European event for Rovers and Rangers that the Europe Region WAGGGS organizes in partnership with the European Scout Region and that is hosted by the French Member Organization.

Please share the call across your organization to ensure all interested and qualified candidates have the opportunity to apply for this exciting role!

Please find below the call with the description of the role and profile of the Facilitators of workshops at Roverway.

To apply we kindly ask:

  • The candidate to complete the online application form by 24th of January
  • The candidate’s International Commissioner to confirm her/his approval of the application by sending a quick email to by 24th of January. We will not be able to consider an application unless we have received the IC’s approval.

The candidates and their International Commissioner will be informed of the results of the selection by the 29th of February.

If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact Manuela at:

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Call WAGGGS facilitators FINAL EN

Call WAGGGS facilitators Final FR



Regional Circular 21 2015 – #RefugeePesponseSeminar 2015: Invitation & Programme

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Not just since this summer we have been witnessing one of the biggest migrant crises in Europe. Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing wars and migrants escaping poverty have arrived in the Europe in an unprecedented wave. Migrants and refugees streaming into Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia have presented European countries with a huge challenge.

The European Scout Region is present and supports National Scout Organisation (NSOs) and National Scout Associations (NSAs) responding in whatever way they choose to act; directly or indirectly increasing awareness about the forcibly displaced and stateless, as well as easing and relieving their staying in the countries they pass through.

The RefugeeResponseSeminar 2015 is one of the many attempts to respond to the refugee and migrant crisis. It is organised by The Danish Scouts and Guides with the support of the European Scout Region and the Messengers of Peace initiative. It is a seminar which will help participants understand the current situation in Europe, understand how to better work with and support the migrants and refugees in cooperation with the local communities and partners, share project ideas and set a concrete idea for a project and plan of action.

– Regional Circular 21 2015 – Cover Letter (English, French)
– Regional Circular 21 2015 – #RefugeePesponseSeminar 2015: Invitation & Programme (English only)

Regional Circular 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 – Information and Opportunities

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During the Summer months a number of Regional Circulars have been dispatched to National Scout Organisations (NSOs) and National Scout Associations (NSAs) in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).

For the benefit of the Associations, we are publishing them here in one location:

Please do not hesitate contacting the European Scout Office should you have any question about any of those Regional Circulars!