Category Archives: Opportunities

European Guide Conference – news and opportunities


The Regional Conference is now only few months away and WAGGGS is looking forward to meeting representatives from all Member Organisations in Berlin!

WAGGGS Call for Communications Volunteer

conference 2010

The Europe Region WAGGGS are looking  to involve a young volunteer from one of our member organizations in the exciting work for the Conference 2013!

A group of Europe Region WAGGGS volunteers is working with the Committee and the office to make the Conference a great experience and provide all Member Organizations with added value to their development and have impact on Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in Europe.

Euro-Arab Meeting 2013


This is the tenth in the series of Euro-Arab meetings which have developed from being institutional meetings between the Arab and European Regions of WOSM more to be a real sharing of experiences, knowledge and projects between representatives of the National Scout Organisations of the two regions. 10th Euro-Arab Meeting will be held in Rome between 26-30 June 2013.

Participation in the 21st European Scout Region Conference


At its recent meeting, the European Scout Committee reviewed all aspects of the preparations for the Regional Scout Conference to be held in Berlin. One aspect of the event was that we recognised that support may be required to enable some organisations to participate.

Training in Diversity – Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?

social inclusion

The Training in Diversity “Minorities + Youth Organisations = Inclusion?” is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and will take place in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 5 – 10 June 2013.