Category Archives: Opportunities

Round table on ICT in Scouting and Guiding – deadline extended to 15 November


Are you still interested to participate on Round table on ICT in Scouting and Guiding ? Due to many requests from individuals and NSO’s/MO’s event planning team have decided to extend the deadline to 15 November 2012.

WOSM Circular 16 – WOSM and Joint Events 2013


As in previous years and in order to allow your association time to plan ahead, we are pleased to provide you with an overview of events, which are currently planned to be organised in 2013. either by the European Region alone or jointly by the European Region and the Europe Region WAGGGS.

Call for applications for Global Education on-line training courses


Global education online learning courses are designed for education practitioners, social workers, civil society, youth activists, as well as policy and decision makers, local authorities and intercultural cities. more information …

Global Education: The Human Rights Dimension This course takes place from 5 November to 1 December 2012 and the deadline for submitting the complete application is 29 October 2012. course website & application form

Global Education: The Intercultural Dimension This course takes place  from 19 November to 16 December 2012 and the deadline for submitting the complete application is 11 November, 2012. course website & application form

Call for participants for a seminar on segregation in school environments

C.O.E copy

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is launching a call for participants for the seminar “The role of youth work in combating segregation in school environments: a seminar for youth workers and actors in formal education”, which will be held in Strasbourg, 21-24 November 2012. Deadline for applying: 22 October 2012.

North-South Network Meeting


As decided during the network meeting in Copenhagen last October, Germany will host the next North-South Network meeting. It will take place at Rieneck Castle – the Scout Centre of VCP (, Germany from 19th – 21st of October 2012.