Category Archives: Opportunities

Regional Circular 20 2017 – EXTENDED Open Call to solicit project under “MOP Mini Grants in Europe II”

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The European Scout Region through the Regional Decision Committee (RDC) of the Messenger of Peace (MOP) Initiative of WOSM is extending the deadline of the open call for “Mini Grants Projects” to 30 September 2017.

Further information is available in Regional Circular 20 2017 and its annexes:

Regional Circular 20 2017-Cover Letter_Extended Call EN
Regional Circular 20 2017-Cover Letter_Extended Call FR
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 1 – Extended Call EN
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 1 – Extended Call FR
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 2a – Application Form EN only
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 2b – Budget and Project Activities EN only
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 3 – Guidelines for Application EN
Regional Circular 20 2017-Annex 3 – Guidelines for Application FR

Lead the Way: Make a difference at Roverway 2018, Apply to be a WAGGGS volunteer

roverway group WAGGGSIt is with great enthusiasm that we share with you the call to be a WAGGGS volunteer at Roverway 2018.

We are recruiting a large number of volunteers for next Roverway –  share this opportunity with your guide and scout friends and apply!

C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que nous vous faisons parvenir l’appel à bénévoles de l’AMGE pour Roverway 2018.

Il y a beaucoup de postes à pourvoir, merci donc de partager cette opportunité avec vos guides et scout, et postulez!


Call for RW18 volunteers WAGGGS

Call for RW18 volunteers WAGGGS FR

Information on the participation fee

European International Scout Camps 2018


European International Scout Camps 2018

Most of you will only just have returned from your annual Summer Camp. Many will be in the middle of sorting out hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures capturing the different activities of their camp.

Looking at all these images and passing in review the many memorable moments you may already start thinking of where your group’s next Summer Camp could be organised. Shall it be a section camp? Or maybe a joint camp with other groups of your district? Or is it perhaps time to consider participating in an international camp (at home or abroad), commonly known as jamboree?

Based on information made available to us so far, we have put together a short list of national jamborees organised during the summer of 2018 in Europe. Maybe one of these international camps is exactly what you were looking for? One of the camps listed here (number 3) is Roverway 2018, the main activity for the senior action of Scout and Guide Associations in the European Regions’ of WOSM and WAGGGS, which will be hosted in the Netherlands next year. It is listed here for the record only, as most of the national contingents will have closed their booking lists by now.

We will be updating this list later during the autumn and invite all National Scout Organisations and National Scout Associations in Europe to signal us should their major event not yet be listed.

  • (1) LUpiter 2018, Lucerne Cantonal Jamboree (14-28.7.2018): website, Facebook
  • (16) Centenary Jambooree “Laužų karta” 2018, Lithuanian National Jamboree (14-28.7.2018): website, Facebook
  • (2) Blair Atholl Jamborette 2016, Scottish Patrol Jamboree ( website, Facebook
  • (3) Roverway 2018, European Ranger & Rover Event of WOSM & WAGGGS (23.7-2.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (4) JamboRí 2018, Irish Jamboree (25.7-2.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (5) Central European Jamboree 2018, Jamboree of Visegrad States: CZ, HU, PL, SK (25.7-4.8.2018): Facebook
  • (17) Smotra 2018, 10th Serbian National Jamboree (27.7-5.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (6) Walesby World Experience 2018, Nottingham Jamboree (28.7-4.8.2018): website
  • (7) Chamboree 2018, Cheshire Jamboree (28.7-4.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (8) C’è Avventura, Campo Nazionale CNGEI 2018 (1-13.8.2018): website
  • (9) MedJam 2018, Mediterranean Jamboree 2018 Malta (1-8.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (10) Home 2018, Upper Austrian Jamboree (6-15.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (11) NaWaKa 2018, Dutch International Sea Scout Jamboree (6-15.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (12) Zlot ZHP 2018, Polish National Jamboree (6-16.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (13) The Red Rose Camp 2018, Lancashire Jamboree (11-18.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (14) Norjam 2018, Norfolk Jamboree (11-18.8.2018): website, Facebook
  • (15) Jurassic International Jamboree 2018, Dorset Jamboree (11-18.8.2018): website, Facebook

Check the European Scout Region’s interactive map on euroscoutinfo.

Regional Open Call Extended!

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The deadline for the recruitment of additional regional volunteers in the European Scout Region has been extended!
If you are interested in joining – or know someone who might be – the team of volunteers and work in the
(1) Supporting our Finances Area of Operation– Financial Support Group (three vacancies), or the
(2) Continuous Improvement Area of Operation – Volunteer Management Team (one vacancies)
then check make sure to apply by 3 August 2017!
For more details – including the link to the online application form – please check Regional Circular 12 2017

Regional Circular 13 2017 – Open Call to solicit project under MOP “Mini Grants in Europe II”

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The European Scout Region through the Regional Decision Committee (RDC) of the Messenger of Peace (MOP) Initiative of WOSM is launching a new open call for “Mini Grants Projects” to be submitted not later than 15 August 2017.

The “Mini Grants Project” is to support a total of three such projects in the European Region to be implemented from 1 September 2017 for one year.

Further information is available in Regional Circular 13 2017 and its annexes:

Regional Circular 13 2017-MOP Mini Grants in Europe II – Cover Letter EN
Regional Circular 13 2017-MOP Mini Grants in Europe II – Cover Letter FR
Regional Circular 13 2017-MOP Mini Grants in Europe II – Annex 1 – Open Call EN
Regional Circular 13 2017-MOP Mini Grants in Europe II – Annex 1 – Open Call FR
Regional Circular 13 2017-MOP Mini Grants in Europe II – Annex 2 – Application Form EN only