Category Archives: Regional Conference

The Next EUROPEAN REGIONAL SCOUT PLAN – Your Part in its Development (Regional Circular 24 2018)

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Just about 50 weeks before delegates and observers from the 40 Member Organisations in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) will gather in Split, Croatia, for the 23rd European Scout Conference (and the concurrent 16th European Guide and Scout Confernece), the European Scout Region is pleased to provide an important update about the process for developing the Region’s next Regional Scout Plan – the RSP. Feedback, through resolutions and direct comments from across the Region, has been taken on board to come up with a process that can ensure full involvement.

Please check Regional Circular 24 2018 for more details, including a list of different actions expected by Member Organisations over the coming months.


Joint Survey: Collaboration of WAGGGS & WOSM in Europe (Joint Communication 11 2018)

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The Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Scout Committee of WOSM invite you to contribute to the thinking about the relationship of WOSM and WAGGGS at European level.

A Joint Survey has been developed to help gather your feedback by 10 September 2018.

Please find the Committees’ message in Joint Communication 11 2018.


Annex III to the MoU of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM (Joint Communication 05 2018)


At the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference held in Melsomvik, Norway, from 17-21 June 2016, representatives of the Guide and Scout associations in the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS recommended that “the Joint Committee develops and implements a third annex to the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM, outlining the joint approach to external relations” (cf. recommendation 15EGSC/6, published in Joint Conference Document 6).

Volunteers engaged in relevant working groups of the European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS have worked together over the past months to develop the recommended Annex III to the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM, which has since been adopted by the Joint Committee.

Joint Communication 05 2018 presents you with the new Annex III, which now forms integral part of the Memorandum of Understanding of the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.

UPDATE – Regional Events List 2018-2019 (Regional Circular 12 2018)


The European Scout Region of the World Ogranization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share with you an updated list of proposed events agreed by the European Scout Committee. There may be some changes to the list, but is was felt important to share a comprehensive list as soon as possible to assist in your planning.

Regional Circular 12 2018 contains all currently available information of regional events planned to take place during the coming 18 months. Please make sure to monitor the event notices on this website to discover more details as they are released.

Regional Circular 18 2017 – Working Methods: Looking Towards 2019

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Pursuant to the European Scout Conference’s resolution ESC22/8 on Future Approach, the Working Methods Team of the Continous Improvement Area of Operation in the European Scout Region of WOSM has prepared a short questionnaire “Looking Towards 2019″.

Please return the duly completed questionnaire no later than 22 September 2017.

Regional Circular 18 2017 – Working Methods: Looking Towards 2019 in English
Regional Circular 18 2017 – Working Methods: Looking Towards 2019 in French