Category Archives: Reports

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 Situation Assessment – March 2012

Progress Report

Following the Regional Scout Committee meeting held in Gilwell Park, London, 23-25 March 2012, we are pleased to share with you the updated Regional Scout Plan showing the progress made. Also included in this circular are the updated reports from the Working Groups and Core Groups. We hope you will find the information of interest.

European Scout Committee – Inspired by Historic Gilwell Park as it Plans Ahead


An update on progress made and challenges encountered by the Working Groups and Core Groups and a review of the budgetary process were major points on the agenda of the recent meeting of the European Regional Scout Committee at Gilwell Park, the historic Scout Centre of The Scout Association (UK) located on the edge of London.

WOSM Circular 26/2011 – Membership Report

Supporting Growth in Changing Times – Membership Report 2011 - We are pleased to announce the publication of the Supporting Growth in Changing Times – Membership Report 2011. As you will be aware, ‘Supporting Growth in Changing Times’ is the overarching theme of the Regional Scout Plan that was adopted by National Scout Organisations during the 20th European Scout Conference in Brussels, Belgium, in July 2010.

WOSM Circular 23/2011 – Reporting on the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013

Progress Report

Reporting on the Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 – Supporting Growth in Changing Times

This is a November 2011 upadate on progress made in realisation of  The Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013  including updated reports from the Working Groups and Core Groups.

Circular (English) (French)

3.1 Sitation Assesment (English) (French)

3.2.1 Volunteering Working Group Report

3.2.2 Growth to Quality Working Group Report

3.2.3 Embracing Change Working Group Report

3.2.4 Youth Empowerment Working Group Report

3.2.5 Partnerships with other Regions Working Group Report

3.3.1 Educational Methods Core Group Report

3.3.2 Organisational Developement Core Group Report

3.3.3 External Relations and Funding Core Group Report


Read  all documents on Scribd:

Regional Scout Plan 2010-2013 Progress Report November 2011 EN

Pick ‘n Mix – Joint Evaluation Report


The aim of this event was to contribute to the capacity building of Guiding and Scouting organisations in Europe in the field of organisational development. The structure of the event was built in order to provide participants the opportunity to follow a learning path tailored to their learning expectations and needs.

Read the evaluation report in English or French