Category Archives: WAGGGS

From a Social-Media post to a limited edition Badge: Supporting Refugee Activities


Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (42): a story starting with a facebook-post ending with the production and selling of a limited edition badge “against xenophobia” in Austria (AT)

Not just since last summer the Guides and Scouts in Austria had become more and more active in refugee and migrant support activities in their local communities. Reason enough for Geo, a member of the social-media team of the Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs (PPÖ) and also behind the very successful Facebook page “Kurioses, nutzloses oder einfach interesantes Pfadfinderwissen“, and members of the PPÖ Facebook community to look for ways to support those working with and for refugees and migrants in Austria.

Call for WAGGGS workshop facilitators for Roverway 2016


WAGGGS is  looking for leaders with experience in the Rovers and Ranger age group at local, regional, national or international level.

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a large-scale European event, Roverway 2016,  for Rovers and Rangers organised by the WAGGGS Europe Region in partnership with the European Scout Region, and hosted in 2016 by the French Member Organization.

Please share the call to ensure all interested and qualified candidates have the opportunity to apply for this exciting role!

You can download the information sheet in English andFrench which includes description of the role and profile of the required facilitators Roverway 2016.

To apply we kindly ask:

  • The candidate to complete the online application form by 14 February 2016
  • The candidate’s International Commissioner to confirm her/his approval of the application by sending a quick email to  by 14 February 2016. WAGGGS will not be able to consider any application unless we have received the IC’s approval.
  • The candidates and their International Commissioner will be informed of the results of the selection by the 29th of February.

If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact Manuela Capraro

Suddenly, the people were not humans anymore!

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (41): a very personal story from a Belgian Scout who sept a weekend with his friends at the Grande-Synthe Refugee Camp near Dunkirk (FR)

Together with a group of twelve other Scouts from FOS Open Scouting (one of the National Scout Associations in Belgium and member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement) Annemie, Klaas and Luc had decided to spend a weekend in northern France and to help out at the Grande-Synthe Refugee Camp outside Dunkirk (FR). Here is the very personal story from Klaas of this memorable weekend.

Scouting in Catalonia helps local refugee support activities

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (38): a story from the Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya in Spain (ES)

Each year, the Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya (MEG), one of the member associations of the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge (FCEG), donates about 1% of its internal annual revenues in support of a specific cause.

This year, following an association-wide competition (during which members can name their prefered cause or organisation they would like to see supported), it was decided to donate some EUR 9000 to the “Speak about Rights” project of the local refugee support association Stop Mare Mortum and the International Civil Service of Catalonia.

Earlier this month, MEG was pleased to announce that the total amount to be donated was EUR 9384.29 – eactly 1% of the internal revenues of the association gained in the fiscal year 2014-2015 (including a small amount of unused funds from the previous exercise).

“The project selected by the jury from the long list of proposals is called Speak about Rights. Tools for better understanding of and actions against the refugee and migrant crisis.”, explains Tomàs Genís Galofré, MEG’s International Commissioner, “The aim of this project is to make the situation of refugees and migrants visible through education and awareness rising. It intends not only to make the present situation known more widely, but also to help identify appropriate actions to address its causes. It develops and offers tools to advocate for social change where citizens may be encourage to be more involved in to asylum, refugee and migration issues.”

The two associations behind the project will develop both formal and non-formal educational resources which will enable children and young people, including Scouts and Guides, to understand better the relaities refugees and migrants are confronted with.

“In addition,” adds Tomàs, “our Federation FCEG offers our local Scout and Guide Groups a regularly updated special refugee resource section on its website. This includes specific aims and objectives, updates about relevant actions by WOSM and WAGGGS, network partners and, most importantly, appropriate educational resources for the work with children and young people.”

(text provided by Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya)

15EGSC – Joint Conference Circulars 1, 2 and 3

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15th European Guide and Scout Conference – Joint Conference Circulars

Five months before most of us will meet at the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference in Melsomvik, Norway, the first set of Joint Conference Circulars has now been dispatched to Guide and Scout associations in the Europen Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS.