Category Archives: WAGGGS

Scouting Nederland will be hosting Roverway 2018!

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At their recent joint meeting in Athens, the Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Scout Committee of WOSM considered two bids received from Member Organisations desiring to host Roverway 2018.  The Committees had taken an earlier decision to break the three-year rhythm of this event and organise the subsequent Roverway  in 2018 to avoid potential clashes with the 24th World Scout Jamboree and the 16th European Guide and Scout Conference, both planned for 2019, the year in which Roverway would normally have been scheduled.

We are pleased to inform you that Scouting Nederland will by hosting Roverway 2018!

Follow the event’s website and Facebook page to find out more as planning of this major regional event for the senior age sections begins.

How can we get more active in refugee support activities in our community?

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (32): a story from the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge.

Earlier this month the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge (FCEG) and its three members associations discussed how best they could support local Scout and Guide Groups desiring to engage in refugee support activities in their local communities.

A short document was published providing answers to questions like “How can we get active?”, ”What is WOSM’s and WAGGGS’ position?”, and “Who can we network with?”. The document also provides links to relevant pedagogical tool kits and lists useful sources for additional background information.

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!

Call for WAGGGS Facilitators at Roverway 2016


The Europe Region WAGGGS is looking for experienced facilitators who would design and deliver WAGGGS educational activities for Rovers and Rangers during two days at Roverway.

We are looking for leaders with experience in the Rovers and Ranger age group at local, regional, national or international level.

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a large-scale European event for Rovers and Rangers that the Europe Region WAGGGS organizes in partnership with the European Scout Region and that is hosted by the French Member Organization.

Please share the call across your organization to ensure all interested and qualified candidates have the opportunity to apply for this exciting role!

Please find below the call with the description of the role and profile of the Facilitators of workshops at Roverway.

To apply we kindly ask:

  • The candidate to complete the online application form by 24th of January
  • The candidate’s International Commissioner to confirm her/his approval of the application by sending a quick email to by 24th of January. We will not be able to consider an application unless we have received the IC’s approval.

The candidates and their International Commissioner will be informed of the results of the selection by the 29th of February.

If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact Manuela at:

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Call WAGGGS facilitators FINAL EN

Call WAGGGS facilitators Final FR



Refugee support activities in the Southwest Finland Guide and Scout district


Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (29): a story from SP-FS- The Guides and Scouts of Finland.

The amount of asylum seekers have increased rapidly in Finland during autumn 2015. Although this situation is global and well-known still the numbers were a surprise and many temporary accommodation facilities were quickly established. In the cooperation with local Red Cross and the Parish union the local Guide and Scout district has organized voluntary-based help at the temporary accommodation facilities. Guides and Scouts have organized trips, taught basics of the Finnish language, helped with the donated clothes etc. Hygienic packs including toothbrush, toothpaste and soap were also collected. The planning of how Guides and Scouts can help and activate immigrants in social integration has started. However, more coordination with local Guide/ Scout groups, municipalities and other organizations is needed.   All Guides and Scouts future actions will continue to be voluntary based and free for all to join in.


Read other stories here


If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!

Greek Guides in “Eleonas Refugee Camp” in Athens

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Scouts and Guides contributing to refugee support activities in their local communities in Europe (27): a story from SHO- The Greek Guiding Association.

The Greek Guiding Association, faithful to the values of the Guide Promise and Law, has been actively involved from the very beginning in the relief efforts of the Refugee crisis in Greece. They started by collecting clothes, shoes and toys in good condition as well non-perishable food, blankets, sleeping bags etc. These are being delivered to islands such as Lesvos and Kos, and also to the new “Eleonas Refugee Camp” in Athens. In Athens, where more and more refugees and irregular migrants are being transported from the boarders the situation is difficult to manage and the authorities cannot cope without the help of volunteers. In the “Eleonas Refugee Camp”, where refugees stay for a short period before continuing their journey north, The Guides took responsibility to organize and run on a daily basis the clothes distribution. They also helped design and set up a safe playing space for children from 0 to 12 and  young leaders and Rangers organise playgroups for the children. During the weekends, they interact with over 100 children by using simple forms of communication and sign language.

Read the full story here, here and here .

If you are involved in a similar refugee support activity in your local community, let us know and we will share it, too: just complete this form!