Category Archives: WAGGGS

Leadership Training Fund


Do you want to create a training in partnership with at least one other European country?
We, the Leadership Training Fund (LTF) team want to help youmake that possible.

The Leadership Training Fund seeks to increase the quantity, quality and access to opportunities for adult leadership skills development in Guiding and Scout associations, through the exchange and development of good practice in Europe.

You can find more information about the Fund here on this website and in the questions & answers section. The LTF-Team is also available via to reply directly should you have question or want to share feedback or proposals.

“By the Way” – The Roverway 2016 Newsletter (Issue 2, April 2015)

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Only sixteen months left before the grand opening of Roverway 2016, the main event for the senior age sections of Guide and Scout Associations in the European Regions of WAGGGS and WOSM.

Update: Joint Events Planned between April 2015 and June 2016


In order to assist member organisations in their forward planning the European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS are pleased to provide an update on joint WAGGGS/WOSM events agreed to take place between April 2015 and June 2016.

Network Meeting fro Scout and Guide Representatives Training and sharing information on advocacy and representing Guiding and Scouting 26.-29.10.2015 Porto (PT)
The Academy 2015 Holistic training and sharing experience 28.10.-1.11.2015 Porto (PT)
Chief Volunteers’ Meeting An opportunity to share information and best practices on the role as chief volunteer 30.10.-1.11.2015 Porto (PT)
Chief Executives’ Meeting An opportunity for seionr executive staff to meet, share support each other 1.-3.11.2015 Porto (PT)
International Commissioners’ Forum Triennial meeting for International Commissioners (ICs) and members of their teams: sharing, training and development of the role 15.-17.1.2016 Kraków (PL)
European Guide and Scout Conference
(and concurrently:
European Guide Conference & European Scout Conference)
General assembly of the European Scout Region of WOSM and the Europe Region WAGGGS, held every three years. 17.-22.6.2016 Melsomvik (NO)

More information about each of the planned events will be made available in the events’ section of and through other communication channels of both regions as it becomes available.

International Women’s Day 2015


Sunday 8th March is the International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, and political achievements of women. WAGGGS is joining in this celebration, as the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.  The Europe Region WAGGGS sends greetings to all WAGGGS Members .

IWD Card

Overture Network Meeting


Registrations are now open for the next meeting of the Overture Network that will take place 10-12 April in Edinburgh, Scotland (UK), and will focus on the Socio-cultural aspects of diversity.

This is the last of the meetings that will take place under the framework of the project “European Guides and Scouts: Actively Integrating Diversity”; a project of the Europe Region WAGGGS in collaboration with the Overture Network and supported by the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union.