Category Archives: WAGGGS

Skills for Life: a holistic solution – a donor advocacy project


What is the impact of Scouting and Guiding on youth development, society and the economy? Is there any link between employability and volunteering in a Scout or Guide association? Several studies on the impact of Scouting and Guiding in Europe show that we have a very positive influence on youth employability, on society and on the economy – that is to say that if we think about education as a form of investment of society and individuals, Scout and Guide associations offer a high return on investment. Nonetheless one of the biggest challenges that Guide and Scout Associations face in Europe is access to sufficient funding and the right funding to cover the costs incurred to deliver life‐changing non‐formal education and volunteering opportunities for young people.

Free Being Me Festival@Sangam


Open to all Europe Region WAGGGS members

The Free Being Me – Festival@Sangam Camp 17-21 August 2015 is open to all, boys and girls 16+, whether you’ve been involved with Free Being Me before or not.

Joint Event Communication: 15th European Guide and Scout Conference 2016


“Vellkommen til Oslofjorden” – this is how you will probably be greeted by the hosting Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (the Guides and Scouts of Norway) in June 2016 when representatives of some 2 million Guides and Scouts in the European Regions of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scout (WAGGGS) will gather for the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference.

Call for partners – Network Meeting 2015


The Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM are launching a Call for Partners for an Erasmus+ Project for the Network Meeting scheduled to take place in Porto (Portugal) from 26 to 29 October 2015.

The Network Meeting is a yearly appointment for Guides and Scouts that are representing their NSOs/NSAs, MOs/CAs in various platforms/organizations including their National Youth Councils.

Joint Event Communication Update: Scouts & Guides I/O 2015


The ICT Network in the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS, together with the hosting Junák – svaz skautů a skautek ČR (the Scout and Guide Movement in the Czech Republic), and on behalf of the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region of WOSM, is pleased to provide you with additional details about next month’s “Scouts & Guides I/O 2015” (the annual event organised by the ICT Network previously known as “ICT Network Event”).

This time, the event will focus on growing the network and encouraging and supporting communication and technology partnerships between organisations and individuals.