Category Archives: WAGGGS

Invitation to the Partnerships Event March 2015 – WOSM Regional Circular 33 2014


Scouting Nederland and the European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), on behalf of The Partnerships Network and in cooperation with their troika, are pleased to launch this call for participants from your associations as well as from your partner NSOs/NSAs to attend the next Partnerships Event, which will take place in Soest (NL) from 12-15 March 2015.

International Commissioners’ Forum 2016 – Call for hosts


The Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region open the call for hosts for the next International Commissioners’ Forum.
Scheduled for January 2016, the call will close on 15 January 2015.

Roverway reminder for registrations for the Head of Contingent/Rover/Ranger Representatives


We kindly remind you to send us (via the attached form) the Registration form HoC RW2016 and 2 Registration form Rovers-Rangers Reps RW2016 that will represent your organization BEFORE October 15th.

Read Head of contingent RW2016 about the HoC role and Rovers-Rangers Reps RW2016 for more information on the Rovers-Rangers Reps.

Chief Executives Meeting 2014 – Reminder


We would like to remind you that registration for the 9th Chief Executives Meeting meeting is ongoing, with registration deadline is 16 October 2014.  The meeting is hosted by The Council of Irish Guiding Associations from 18 to 19 November 2014 and will take place at Carlton Dublin Airport Hotel.

Strengthening and developing new partnerships in Europe – Partnership Network Meeting 2014

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The next Partnership Network Meeting is organised by The Partnerships Network which aims fostering, strengthening and developing new partnerships between associations in Europe and associations from other regions of the world.  The Network Meeting is taking place in Portugal 10-12 October 2014.