Category Archives: WAGGGS

The Academy 2013 Report


We are glad to present you the final report on the Academy 2013.  The report provide more in-depth data on The Academy 2013, by giving specific highlight to the evaluation made, aiming to trigger reflection and further thinking on its future.

New dates for Roverway 2016 in France


After careful consideration, we have decided to change the Roverway 2016 dates from July to August – the event will take place from the 3rd to the 14th of August 2016.

14 European Guide and Scout Conference Report


We are happy to share with you the final report of the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference. This document records all the decisions taken at the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference and also serves as Conference Report.

3rd Round Table on Information and Communication Technology in Scouting and Guiding


The Round Table on ICT for Scouts and Guides is an initiative of the ICT Network in Scouts and Guides of the European Region of WOSM and Europe Region WAGGGS. This years 3rd Round Table will take place between 6-9 February 2014 in Tampere, Finland.

21st European Scout Conference – Report – WOSM Circular 23 2013

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The report records all the decisions made at the 21st European Scout Conference and it also serves as the Conference Report. All conference documents as well as summary reports reflecting the discussions during plenary sessions and workshops are available on the website of the European Scout Region.