Category Archives: WAGGGS

Seminars and events 2014 /2015 /2016

During the recent joint Committees’ meeting in Brussels, the Committees agreed forthcoming events that the Regions will deliver jointly in 2014 /2015 /2016.   Please find a copy of the list here  – Joint Seminars and events 20141516

Another successful Academy has come to an end

the academy   (1)

Another Academy has this year come to its end leaving all participants and facilitators with the best of memories and feelings for its success. The Academy 2013 this year took place in Malle, Belgium, from 29 October to 3rd of November, was organized by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region and was hosted by the Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen and Federatie voor Open Scoutisme.

Network Meeting for Guide and Scout Representatives to National Youth Councils and External Platforms


In order to assist in the implementation of resolution Society 7 adopted at the 8th European Guide and Scout Conference the Europe Region organised a meeting in 1996 for those Scouts and Guides involved in influencing Youth Policy on behalf of their organisations in a National Youth Council and those representing European Guiding or Scouting in the European youth structures. 

The Academy 2013, magic that never stops


The Academy 2013 takes place in Malle, Belgium, from 29 October to 3rd of November and brings together over 200 Scouts and Guides from all over Europe…Australia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Armenia and Ukraine.

14th European Guide Conference – Record of Decisions

Unbelievably, it is two months since the 14th European Guide Conference
and European Guide and Scout Conference!  It was great to see so many of you in Berlin – thank you and our generous hosts for making the event/s so dynamic and inspiring!