Category Archives: WAGGGS

Chief Executives Meeting 2013


Next meeting for Chief Executives, National Directors, Secretaries General and Senior Staff will will be hosted by Turkish Guiding and Scouting Federation and will take place from 12 to 14 November 2013 in Istanbul. This will be the eighth time that this meeting has been held.

WAGGGS Conference detailed programme


For your convenience and as foreseen we are happy to share with you the detailed programme for the 14th European Guide Conference. 

International Commissioners Forum 2012 Report


The IC Forum 2012 took place from 6-9 December 2012, in Athens, under the theme of “Making the Connections.” 107 participants from 41 countries plus 18 Planning Team members and guests took part at this event.

The Academy 2012 Report

TheAcademy2012 (43)

In 2012, the Academy specifically focused on Embracing Change, one of the three joint areas of work, as well as on development issues, including management of associations and personal development. The event gathered 134 participants from 37 different countries (58 associations) that have participated in 28 Workshops facilitated and designed by 25 facilitators. 

18th Network Meeting for Guide and Scout Representatives to National Youth Councils – Call for Partners


 The 18th  Network Meeting for Guide and Scout Representatives to National Youth Councils, following the latest editions, is targeted at all those Scouts and Guides who are involved in influencing Youth Policy on behalf of their organisations in a National Youth Council or in another external setting and those representing European Guiding or Scouting in the European youth structures.