Category Archives: WAGGGS

Round table on ICT in Scouting and Guiding – deadline extended to 15 November


Are you still interested to participate on Round table on ICT in Scouting and Guiding ? Due to many requests from individuals and NSO’s/MO’s event planning team have decided to extend the deadline to 15 November 2012.

The Europe Region WAGGGS Annual Review 2011


The Europe Region WAGGGS presents the Annual Review 2011 giving a comprehensive overview of the events, visits and joint work undertaken by the Region during 2011. 

‘Stop the Violence: Speak out for Girls Rights’


According to the Council of Europe, 1 European woman in 4 experiences  domestic violence at some point in her life; one respondent in four in a recent EU survey knows a woman among friends or in the family circle who is a victim of domestic violence. 

North-South Network Meeting


As decided during the network meeting in Copenhagen last October, Germany will host the next North-South Network meeting. It will take place at Rieneck Castle – the Scout Centre of VCP (, Germany from 19th – 21st of October 2012. 

The Academy 2012 detailed programme ready!

The Academy Planning Team

Interesting sessions, fantastic nature surrounding, historic place and committed facilitators: This is the 5th Academy in Kandersteg! To make sure every participant will have fun and take home a bunch of new ideas, the planning team is working very hard to make this unique event happen in two months time.