Category Archives: WAGGGS

Establishment of the Leadership Training Fund


Thanks to a generous donation of CHF 1,000,000 from a donor who is an enthusiastic supporter of Guiding and Scouting in Europe, the Joint Committee – working in partnership with the European Scout Foundation, where the donation has been lodged – has been able to establish a Leadership Training Fund. 

14th European Guide Conference


Europe Committee WAGGGS is happy to join with our hosts for the next European Conferences, Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbände and Ring deutscher Pfadfindervebände, to invite you most sincerely to join us for the 14th European Guide Conference and the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference.

14th European Guide and Scout Conference – “be prepared, be there, be berlin”


Europe Committee WAGGGS is happy to join with our hosts for the next European Conferences, Ring Deutscher Pfadfinderinnenverbände and Ring deutscher Pfadfindervebände, to invite you most sincerely to join us for the 14th European Guide Conference and the 14th European Guide and Scout Conference.

Call for partners to join funding project: Academy 2012


Facilitating Participation of MOs/NSOs/NSAs in European events –  Call for Partners to join funding project: Academy 2012

To facilitate the participation of NSAs or NSOs to Regional Events the Regional Offices always tries to get funds from external sources and surely one of the main sources of funding for Scout and Guide activities is the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission.

Calling ALL MOs and NSAs in the Europe Region to apply to attend the Growth through Quality event


Make a JUMP and be part of Growth Event

How can your MO/NSO grow? What can you do to increase your growth or stop the declining membership? This is the main topic of the Growth Event (JUMP) taking place in Copenhagen from 26 to 29 April. The aim of this training course is to gather organizations from the European countries to discuss and compare different designs of growth and inclusion plans that will ultimately give more opportunities to young people to participate in youth associations and therefore in society.