Category Archives: WAGGGS

Helen Storrow Seminar 14-19 March 2012


This is a high profile event that has been offering leadership development opportunities for young women since 1986. The seminar will be held at Our Chalet, WAGGGS World Centre in Adelboden Switzerland, and it will address the most relevant issues on leadership and environment.

Apply to be a Sangam volunteer


Do you want to experience Indian culture whilst improving your leadership skills? Do you want to make new friends from all around the world whilst being an advocate for change? Do you want to live at a World Centre whilst gaining professional work experience?

Then apply for a volunteer or intern position at Sangam World Centre!

Sangam Volunteer positions are open for 2012-2013 season. Marketing and Communications Intern (MCI) starting June 2012 and Community Relations Intern (CRI) starting July 2012 are also open. Follow the links for more information.

Applications for Sangam Volunteer, MCI and CRI are due 31st December 2011.

I have learnt where my skills lie, and where I need to focus time, energy and commitment into making myself a better person. I’ve learnt about different cultures, how differences unite us not divide us, and what I can do to make a difference in this world. – Sophie, Sangam Volunteer Monsoon 2011 from UK

For more information, please contact

Speak out for girls and young women at the United Nations!


Applications now open for CSW 56

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a functional commission of the United Nations, dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women – and WAGGGS is offering Girl Guides and Girl Scouts everywhere a chance to be a part of it.

CSW is the principal global policy-making body on issues relating to gender inequality. Every year, representatives of Member States gather to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and the advancement of women worldwide. This year the Commission will focus on the role of rural women.

WAGGGS has been bringing youth delegations to the commission since 2007, and champions the important role that girls and young women can, and must, play at the commission. It also provides a space for young women to develop their skills as advocates, leaders and change-makers and to take these skills back home and apply them to their local communities and guiding projects.

“Attending the UN CSW with WAGGGS taught me how my voice can be heard and matters at the global scale. I now understand more fully the importance of WAGGGS as an advocate for girls’ and women’s rights. I look forward to making a change and bring this knowledge back to the Girl Guides in Canada.” Rachel, Canada

You can read more here about the role that the WAGGGS delegates played at the commission in 2011 here.

Applications are now open for WAGGGS members to join the delegation for CSW 56 in 27 February to 9 March 2012. Applications are open to members who are actively engaged in projects within their national associations that empower rural girls and young women. You can download the application form here. Fully completed applications must be returned by 20 December 2011 to

Gain skills in speaking out to make girls heard – join our webinar!


Each year, from 25 November to 10 December, women’s organizations, advocates and activists around the world join together for the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign”. This campaign links the International Day Against Violence Against Women on 25 November with International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

On 30 November, at 15:00 GMT, we will be showing the documentary “The Hidden Truth” online. Made by a young woman in Zambia, the film tackles the issue of domestic violence and is being used as a tool for social change in local communities in Zambia.
The webinar (online seminar) will give you the opportunity to watch the film and then take part in Q&A session with the filmmaker Penelope. Penelope will talk about how she made the film and why it was so important for her to speak out against domestic violence. There will then be an opportunity to ask her questions and to download our worksheet on making films for change.
After the webinar you can use the information and downloadable worksheet to make your own short film on ending violence. You can send these films to us. We’ll show the best ones on our website and send you a special “Stop the violence” promotional pack including pin badges, wrist bracelets, t-shirts and stickers.
To sign up for the webinar email with your name, email and where you’re from, and we’ll send you information about how to join the session. Download the “16 days to make girls heard” campaign sheet for other ideas on how to take action. Tell us what action you’ll be taking by emailing

WAGGGS Call for Ex-Officio Committee Nominations


Due to the recent resignation of Evgenia Beliakova from her position as a Europe Committee member the Region is now seeking nominations for the vacant position of ex-officio non-voting member of the Committee to fill the vacancy.  More information on the Terms of Reference and the Qualities  of a Regional Committee Member as well as the Nomination form (including clearance form) in English can be found here and in French here

Deadline for applications: 23 November 2011