Category Archives: WAGGGS

Joint Circular – Future Editions of Roverway


Letter concerning future editions of Roverway, the major event for Rovers and Rangers of the European Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region (English/French).

Identifying Opportunities and Working Together to Strengthen Youth Org. in Europe

WAGGGS Training on Partnerships – Don’t miss out!!

There are still places available on the Partnerships seminar which is being organized by the Europe Region WAGGGS in the Roma Scout Centre in October.

Thanks to a grant received from the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe we are able to offer both support on travel costs and a low participation fee.

To enable you to benefit from this offer we have extended the deadline for applications until 30 July 2011.  For more information on the event check here >>>

Euro-express No 5


The 5th edition of euro-express, a Europe Region WAGGGS communication bringing you information and updates on external relations issues relevant to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, and information about actions in which you can get involved in at national level.

Euro-express No 5

Procedures related to fund raising for joint events


A joint communication to inform International Commissioners of Member Organisations and National Scout Organisations about the procedures which will be followed by the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region when seeking funds to support the planning and delivery of Joint event and projects.

Procedures related to fund raising for joint events

Online surveys notification


The Europe Region WAGGGS is developing a toolkit to examine the issues and ways in which the participation of young women in decision-making can be supported, in both co-educational and single-sex environments.

Online surveys notification

Deadline: 30 June 2011