Category Archives: WAGGGS

Joint Communication 13 2017 – Event Invitation: Chief Volunteers’ Network Meeting 2018


The European Scout Region of the World Organnization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the Europe Region WAGGGS jointly organise the next Chief Volunteers’ Network Meeting in February 2018 and invite chief volunteers and persons holding similar positions in their Scout or Guide associations to participate. It will take place at the Kapralův mlýn Scout Environmental Education Centre, near Brno (CZ), from 9 to 11 February 2018.

The Meeting aims to provide a space for Chief Volunteers to meet, to network and to share good practice and ideas. It builds on networking events held at Regional Conferences and other events when there was a clear desire to find opportunities for these important volunteers to share and mix with their peers.

Joint Communication 13 2017 provides you with all relevant information and also contains the link to the online registration form. Please make sure that those interested complete this form before the deadline 6 January 2018.

Joint Communicatioon 13 2017-Event Invitation-Chief Volunteers Meeting 2018 (in English)
Joint Communicatioon 13 2017-Event Invitation-Chief Volunteers Meeting 2018 (en framçais)


WAGGGS Europe Committee Member

The Europe Regional Committee is seeking a new member who will play a key role in driving our ambitious plans to offer a quality Girl Guiding / Girl Scouting experience to many more girls and young women in the Region.

The new Europe Committee member will join the team midway through the current triennium. Therefore, considering the competencies and knowledge of the current members and the portfolios that the person will be leading, we have identified necessary skills and knowledge which you can find in the call.

We look forward to receiving applications for this exciting opportunity and to welcoming a new person to our committee!




Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018

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The Academy is a joint event of WOSM and WAGGGS working in partnership at European level, with key participation of volunteers and staff from both the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region.

The present Joint Communication invites interested associations of both Regions (National Scout Organisations and Member Organisations)  to indicate their interest to host The Academy 2018 by submitting a short paper which addresses the points indicated in the Joint Communication:

Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018 – in English
Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018 – en français

The deadline for submission of your bidding documentations is 17 November 2017.

Joint Communication 11 2017 – INVITATION Guide and Scout External Representatives Meeting 2017

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The 2017 WAGGGS & WOSM Network Meeting for Guide and Scout External Representatives will take place in Malta from 8-11 November 2017. This exciting event is an excellent opportunity for young people that are starting to work on advocacy or external relations within your MO/NSO to develop their knowledge and gain skills that they can apply to their work.

Please see the Joint Communication 11 2017 for further information about the event, funding and information about the application process.

The deadline for applications is 1 October 2017.

Joint Communication 11 2017 – INVITATION Guide and Scout External Representatives Meeting 2017 (in English)
Joint Communication 11 2017 – INVITATION Guide and Scout External Representatives Meeting 2017 (en français)


WAGGGS Europe Region Treasurer

WAGGGS Europe Region is looking for a new treasurer.

The treasurer will assist the Europe Chair and advise the Europe Committee on any aspect of the financial management of the Region. She/he will ensure that the Region manages its finances prudently, and can report to the Region’s Member Organisations on the effective use of all funds designated to the Region, such as the European Voluntary Contribution, grants and the regional allocation from WAGGGS.

For full job description and details, view the PDFs:

