Category Archives: WOSM

Regional Circular 25 2017 – Update on Regional Communication Platforms

Image for Regional Circular 25

The European Scout Region is very happy to share with you some updates regarding the implementation of the European Regional Scout Plan 2016-2019 in the Spreading our Message Area of operation under the “Communications” priority.

– New name of our existing Facebook page:
– New name of our existing Twitter account:

To further develop services provided by the European Scout Region in this area we invite you to complete two short questionnaires. Your answers will help the Communications Team proceed in their work.

– A questionnaire “Evaluation”:
– A questionnaire “Webinars”:

Regional Circular 25 2017 explains these changes in detail:

Regional Circular 25 2017 – Update on Regional Communication Platforms – in English
Regional Circular 25 2017 – Update on Regional Communication Platforms – en français

Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018

image to illustrate post

The Academy is a joint event of WOSM and WAGGGS working in partnership at European level, with key participation of volunteers and staff from both the Europe Region WAGGGS and the European Scout Region.

The present Joint Communication invites interested associations of both Regions (National Scout Organisations and Member Organisations)  to indicate their interest to host The Academy 2018 by submitting a short paper which addresses the points indicated in the Joint Communication:

Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018 – in English
Joint Communication 12 2017 – Call for Bids to Host The Academy 2018 – en français

The deadline for submission of your bidding documentations is 17 November 2017.

Regional Circular 24 2017 – Open Call to Recruit volunteer Consultants to support the Working Methods Team of the European Scout Region

image to illustrate open call consultants 2017

The European Scout Region has launched an Open call to recruit volunteer consultants to support the Working Methods Team of the Continuous Improvement Area of Operation in its work to develop the next European Scout Plan.

Please find the call in Regional Circular 24 2017, which also includes the link to the online application form. Please note the deadline for submission of applications: 10 November 2017 (12 noon).


Regional Circular 23 2017 – List of Events and Opportunities in the European Scout Region till the end of 2018

image to illustrate regional cirular 23 2017

The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share with you a list of proposed events agreed by the European Scout Committee (annex 1 of Regional Circular 23 2017). There may be some changes to the list, but it was felt that it was important to share a comprehensive a list as soon as possible to assist in your planning.

In annex 2 of Regional Circular 2017 you will find a list of possible applications for grants allied to the published deadlines where we anticipate the calls for participation to come (Annex 2). We hope this will at least give you a heads up before the formal calls are launched by the grant giving agencies.

Both annexes are part of Regional Circular 23 2017 and available in English and French:

Regional Circular 21 2017 – Call for Participants: MOVIS 2017


The Networking Meeting of commissioners involved in the management of adult resources is one of the well-known and successful networking opportunities for national leaders in the European Region of the World Organization of the Sout Movement (WOSM). Formerly known under the acronym TCNM (standing for the Training Commissioners Network Meeting) it has lately updated its name to MOVIS (Management of Volunteers in Scouting), to reflect the wider area of interest of the network (beyond solely training).

2017 will see the seventh edition of this event, addressing issues of common interest for National Commissioners and other people who are directly involved at the national level in supporting the personal development of adults.

Regional Circular 21 2017 includes the Call for Participants for this event:

Regional Circular 21 2017-Call for Participants: MOVIS 2017 (in English)
Regional Circular 21 2017-Call for Participants: MOVIS 2017 (en français)

Event details:

Dates and Venue of event: 7-10 December 2017 at the Residencia Salesiana Marti Codolar in Barcelona
Deadline of application: 1 November 2017
Event website and online application form: